v. room of requirement

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       The next day, Anastasia skipped probably most of the classes. Or at least the ones she shared with Draco.

       It was unusual from him to frantically ask the whereabouts of the girl. His hands were shaking incredibly just by the thought of her being one of them, a cruel and evil Death Eater.

       Every time the image of her forearm appeared in his mind, he had to do anything to make it disappear and pretend he was okay. The problem was that he wasn't okay and he desperately wanted—no, needed explanation.

     "Calm down, Malfoy." Pansy sneered, practically ignoring the agitated boy in the table across from her. "She said she felt sick."

      "Who?" His head snapped towards the girl, but he did his best to not look too eager to know more. "What are you talking about?" He pretended to not know of who she was talking about, but he knew Pansy was talking about Anastasia.

     "Don't try to fool us, Malfoy. I know you have your panties in a twist because Rosier hasn't been to any class all day."  Blaise interfered. He had the potions book in his hand but his eyes were glued to his partner. The smirk never left his face.

      "Fuck you, Zabini." It was all Draco could manage to say.

      Deep down in his thoughts, he knew where she was. And he needed to look for her. He desperately need to see her.

      The day Anastasia showed him the Dark Mark tattooed in her forearm, a weird sensation of comfort took over Draco's chest. He wasn't being selfish, but he was somehow happy he wasn't alone. He now knew he had someone to turn to when things got difficult with the task, something in his heart told him that Anastasia would be there for him when he felt like he couldn't make it.

     "Class dismissed." Slughorn spoke loudly to let the whole classroom to hear.

      His heart pounded in his chest as soon as he stepped out of the room. It was as if he was about to lose all the power the short two hours of sleep gave him. He felt sick, and he didn't like it.

      Draco didn't try to apologize to the students he shoved in his way to the seventh floor, where his mind yelled at him Anastasia would be. On every step he took, his eyes traveled around the place to make sure no one knew where he was heading to, especially if any professor noticed him walking away from his next class.

      At that point, classes were the last thing he was worried about. Sounded confusing, but he had better things to do and one of them was to fix the Vanishing Cabinet, find Anastasia and look for answers.

      He stopped right in front of where the Room of Requirement should be, his head tilting up with closed eyes. He whispered and thought about how much he need to see the room. Then, the door appeared right in front of him.

     "Rosier?" He exclaimed as soon as his head pecked inside the dark room. "Are you here?"


      By then, he was fully inside and his bag was on the floor. His hand reached for his wand inside his robes and carefully walked further into the room.

      He would be lying if he said he wasn't slightly worried about the brunette, but if he was, he made a great work not showing it.

     "Up here." He heard a quiet voice in the back of the room.

      Without a care of the world, he quickly walked towards the Vanishing Cabinet, where he knew she was. He didn't care he was constantly tripping over stupid objects on the floor and his robes getting stuck in something.

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