Chapter Twenty Five

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“No.” Those words fly out of my lips before my mind can even grasp what is going on. “Carter you can’t do that! This pack will fail without you!”

He glares at me, “Don’t be such a child, this pack has an excellent Beta, your brother… don’t you have at least an ounce of faith in him?”

“I may not be a true wolf but I know an Alpha doesn’t just give up, I know he shouldn’t be such a…such a coward.”

Carter’s hand slams on the counter top so hard that a portion of it cracks and clatters to the ground. I feel myself jump about ten feet, but the rage in Carter’s eyes never falters, “I am not a coward, I am doing this with your well being and the pack’s wellbeing in mind.”

I can’t stop my teeth from grinding together and hot tears begin to form behind my eyes, “I will not abandon this pack.” His nostrils flare in anger, and I finish with, “I’m staying here, I don’t care where you go.”

All the anger leaves his face, and he is gone before I can see another emotion fill his face. Numbly I sit down on a bar stool, and place my head in my hands. Way to go, you practically just rejected your mate. A hand touches my shoulder, and I instantly know its Georgia. Without looking up I mumble, “Haven’t you done enough Georgia? Leave.”

A hot anger surrounds the air around me, and Georgia’s sharp voice cuts through the silence, “Excuse me?”

I pick my head up angrily, “You heard me! Why couldn’t keep your goddamn mouth shut about me being a witch? Or about Carter’s secret? You couldn’t just give him time to tell me himself? You just had to get all up in my business like you always do! Can you just go the hell away?” My breath is coming out in short angry puffs by now and the guilt is already setting in.

Georgia’s face is hot with anger, and she snarls in my face, “Fine, I will leave.”

I choke on the lump in my throat, “Wait. Georgia!”

She spins around and starts to leave, and I desperately call after her, “WAIT!”

“FUCK OFF!” She shrieks.

The door slams shut behind her, and I press my palm firmly to my lips trying to muffle the wails escaping my lips. My whole body starts shaking with grief as I realize not only did I chase away my mate, but I also managed to get rid of my best friend, my only friend. I’m the one who needs to keep my mouth shut. My stomach is a burning hot pit and I can feel Carter’s pain above everything going on inside me. I didn’t mean to hurt him, God that’s the last thing I wanted to do. But if he left the pack it would be my entire fault and I wouldn’t be able to live with the guilt of destroying this pack. Obviously though in the midst of trying to keep the pack together I may have single handedly ruined it. I barely hear the front door open again, but someone definitely just walked in, “Please, just leave, please.”

I hear the person bend down, “Maybe you are the one who should leave.”

My bottom lip starts trembling as I look up at Jake, “What?”

“You aren’t my sister anymore Cosette, you are a giant massive bitch. With you gone Carter will have no reason to leave the pack.”

More tears come out in hiccups, and I whisper faintly, “Take me home.”


My friends are shaking fiercely and I can feel Jake’s burning gaze on my back as I walk the stone steps to the large familiar house. Lightly, I knock on the door and I feel like I am going to go into cardiac arrest. How could my brother do this to me? Send me back here, when he knows exactly what is going to happen to me as soon as I step over the threshold. The door swings open, and cold eyes land on my frail figure, “Cosette, my baby…” A smile forms on her purse lips, “I see you finally made the right decision to come home.”

“Yes mother.” I whisper as she pulls me into the house where all my nightmares will come true.

Carter’s POV

The bond between Cosette and I is weakening which is what is causing me to run faster to the pack house. We didn’t reject each other, and I haven’t been warned of her being in serious danger, which means she must have run away which definitely isn’t out of character for her. My wolf whimpers when he recalls what she told us earlier today. She can’t seriously not care whether she is with us or not right? Georgia was right when she told me to spend more time with her. Instead of spending extra time in my office working on stuff that doesn’t have to be done for another few months, I should have been doing pointless cute things with Cosette. Something as simple as just cuddling on the couch for a few hours and watching a movie of her choice. Would that have really killed me? No, but what will kill me is her leaving me.

I rush into the front door, and it’s extremely apparent that nobody has been here all day since the argument this morning because the house is perfectly spotless.  A note on the counter catches my eye, and my heart drops instantly. With shaky fingers I read the quickly scrawled note,

“Dear Carter,

I’m sorry but I am leaving, and never coming back. You mean nothing to me, and I reject you.

And just like that my whole world goes crashing around me.

Authors note: I am so sorry that I haven’t updated in forever, I hope you guys enjoy this!!!!

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