Chapter Twenty Seven

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Greg hasn’t been around in days, I’m assuming he is avoiding all this wedding business since my mom has taken over the role of “Bridezilla.” This wedding has nothing to do with what I want, it’s all about what she wants. As if being rejected by mate and having to marry a complete scumbag to stabilize my future isn’t enough, I don’t even get to choose the minor details in my wedding, which is supposed to be the happiest day of my life.

First of all, my mom chose the most horrific wedding dress: a princess dress. It’s absolutely hideous, it’s huge and poufy and the top is covered in diamonds, which really isn’t my style at all. Also my mom keeps insisting on the color red, which is my absolute least favorite color. But I suppose all this stuff doesn’t really matter considering I’m not even marrying someone I want to marry, and I won’t become the Luna of the pack I want to be Luna of.

Carter, Greg, and I are the talk of the werewolves all over North America, which only ensures the fact that all the Alphas, Lunas, and Betas with their mates will come to the wedding. All except Carter, Jake, and Georgia of course. Although part of me can’t help but think that Jake wouldn’t pass up the chance to see his little sister get married, but of course he is the one who kicked me out of the pack in the first place. What if he was just trying to protect you from Carter? What if he was saving you the pain of having been rejected face to face? Yes, that must be it, Jake wouldn’t just send me away like that, he couldn’t, we are the only real family we have left.

Sure we still have my mother but she doesn’t count, especially after she killed Georgia’s wolf and put me in an arranged marriage with Greg. I start tugging at the sleeves of my sweater when my mind drifts to Carter. I guess he never really did live me if he just gave me up so easily. It shouldn’t be that easy to let go of your mate, or even someone that you love. He didn’t want me. It’s as simple as that. Greg is the one that wants me; after all, he did wait for me all these years. But Carter killed his father for you, to keep you safe. I snort at that thought. He killed his father to keep his stupid reputation in tack. He couldn’t have rumors going around about this little in pack scandal now could he?

Then why is he letting rumors about him not being able to keep his mate by his side spread around? I quickly throw out that thought; there really isn’t any use in thinking about him anymore. He doesn’t love you Cosette, end of story.

I kick up the fallen leaves as I walk through the garden path. All the flowers are all shriveled up and dead by now but I can still see the brightly colored flowers from my childhood vividly in my mind. Back when my father was still around my mother loved gardening, it was something that she would put most of her time into. My father praised her for her hard work and late at night you could often hear them having conversations in the garden. At some point when I was sent to the werewolf camp though my father left. He just flat out left. I never knew why but I’m beginning to think he saw the wickedness in my mother. Maybe that’s why Carter left me. Maybe he could see my mother inside of me.

I bring my hands up to my face and turn around and go back inside. I’m going to make myself crazy doing this, I really am. Almost as soon as I step through the door the phone on the kitchen counter starts to ring and I roll my eyes, screw them. Its probably just someone who RVSP-ing to the wedding. The phone stops ringing and immediately after the phone starts ringing again. A loud groan escapes my lips I really don’t want to have to deal with this right now but I still pick up the phone and say, “Hello?”

“Cosette?” I immediately recognize the voice and my throat swells shut, Carter’s mother.

Some sort of strangled noise finds it way out of my mouth and she gushes, “You have to come back Cosette this was all a big misunderstanding please. Carter is going insane without you here we need you, he needs you.”

My blood begins to boil and hot tears fall down my face, “Oh so he accidently rejected me? Very likely story.” I slam the phone down on the counter and immediately curl up in a ball and start sobbing my heart out.

Authors note: Enjoy guys (:next chapter will be in carters pov xp

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