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Chapter Beta(s): shatteredjewels & Sakura's Unicorn


"I can't sense anything definitive," Mitsuki says once the team assembles at the rendezvous point. "There's a strange chakra cloaking the entire area. It's misdirecting my senses." He makes a face. "It has an unpleasant dizzying effect."

"Good to know," Konohamaru says. "The more information we have before we head back to the city, the better." He rubs his chin in thought. "First, we need a more accurate picture of how large this is. What kind of area it's covering."

"We should have stayed split up then," Boruto points out. "We could have at least followed the... whatever... all the way around until we met up again."

"No, there's too much of a chance something could go wrong. We need to be able see the edge better which means we need all Sarada and Mitsuki's concentration. You and I will act as their support while they search."

It's an elementary tactic, Sarada reflects. One never knows if an enemy might materialise while in the middle of scouting. Even relying on her and Mitsuki's abilities, it's smarter to have someone watching their back, and she says so.

"More like someone to hold you if you pass out," Boruto jokes.

"In which case, I brought ammonia inhalants," Mitsuki announces. He says it as if this is a commonplace thing, and Sarada snorts, half-amused and half-unsure. They have been on the same team for a while now, but Mitsuki retains that unknowable quirkiness she can't figure out. Other than how devoted he is to Boruto, he remains as much a mystery to her as he was when he first arrived in Konoha.

Sarada has a suspicion—a flickering, half-formed notion at the back of her mind—but she is not like Boruto. She does not worry away at every loose thread until it unravels the mystery. People sometimes have matters they don't want to discuss with others, and she understands that better than most.

And he's not saying what I think he's not saying, I can understand why he'd want to keep it a secret!

"All right, we'll do this fast and in formation—Sarada and Mitsuki, you're at the front. Boruto, you follow, and I'll take up the rear. Sarada, don't exhaust your Sharingan, use it only to confirm Mitsuki's findings. We don't know how big this thing is, and I don't want you tiring yourself out before we make the full circuit."

"Got it."

They set off at once, flitting through the trees. Sarada and Mitsuki skirt the edge of the barrier, weaving in and out of the invisible line to make sure they are still tracking it. Konohamaru makes notes at various landmarks, muttering them aloud as he does; he will add them to the GPS later. Boruto mutters under his breath over getting the boring job but keeps an eye out for anything the others don't notice.

As directed, they rely on Mitsuki's sensory capabilities most of the time. Only when the strange chakra interferes with his sense of direction does Sarada take over, activating her Sharingan to survey the area for the tell-tale grainy lustre. Once Mitsuki recovers himself, they switch back.

"It's almost completely round," Boruto says when they take a short break at the halfway point, a kilometre-and-a-half across the valley. The sun has reached its highest point, meaning they need to hasten the survey and head home if they want to reach the city before dark.

"Almost, but not," Konohamaru replies. He considers his notes. "Based on the coordinates we have here and here—" He points out two spots on his rough map, "—the halfway point should be a quarter kilometre away from us. So, either this thing is more elliptical than round, or—"

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