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This chapter has been beta-read by: Sakura's Unicorn


"Anyhow," Pakkun turns his attention to Kakashi. "Lady Tsunade is doing as you suggested. She sent out whatever squads were in Konoha to surround the bubble. They're keeping tabs on how fast it's growing and making sure no one else goes inside or comes out."

"Good," Kakashi says. "Since it's a gateway to another time, we don't want more people crossing over than we already have. When you go back, make sure you tell them that. I'm sure ANBU will need to be called in to ensure any of the nukanin they've been tracking in the area don't stumble in."

"What are you going to do?"

"We've immobilised the person we think is responsible—or at least someone who has been using the situation to his advantage. It's all just a matter of dealing with him."

"No offence, boss, but you look like you can barely sit up, forget dealing with a potential enemy. Time's an issue—I can summon you back home, Lady Tsunade can heal you, and there would be others around to help you out with the interrogation."

"No. We can't be sure if this person is from this time or our time," Kakashi replies. "We can't remove him until then. Even if we did, there would be no way to bring him back. Once I'm outside the bubble, you won't be able to travel back here."

"Can you reverse-summon Lady Tsunade?" Sakura suggests. "She can heal Kakashi and Sarada."

"No," Pakkun replies. "The only reason I can get here is because I'm tied to Kakashi. If I tried to bring anyone else along, we might get lost. It might be rare, but time-travel complicates things."

"So, we need to find someone in the Konoha of Sarada's time," Naruto realises.

"Lor—uh, Kakashi-sensei, you—well, future-you and my father would probably know more about how to deal with this," Sarada says, side-eying Sasuke warily as she speaks. "We only need to get a message to them and they'll be here in no time."

"I can summon a toad!" Naruto volunteers.

"Didn't you hear what we just said, idiot?" Sasuke snaps. "Your contract is tied to your time. That won't do us any good."

"And it'd probably be that tiny, gross baby toad, too," Sakura adds with a shudder. "We need someone who can summon things from this time."

"I could do it," Sarada says. "I don't have a contract with any summons, but I'm from this time. Once I get some of my strength back, I can try."

"You don't have a contract scroll," Sasuke points out.

"No, but thanks to my mother, I've always gotten along with Lady Katsuyu. So, at worst, I'd end up in Shikkotsu Forest for a bit."

"Who?" Sakura whispers to Naruto.

"Giant slug," he replies, and an expression of disgusted horror overtakes her features.

Sarada looks at her in amusement. "Lady Katsuyu could heal me and Kakashi-sensei."

"There's too high a probability that something might go wrong," Kakashi dismisses. "You're still weakened, for one. And it's not likely that a genin will be able to summon a creature as powerful as Lady Katsuyu the first time. There's no time for trial and error."

Unfortunately, he's right; as time moves differently in the places where most summoning animals come from, she might accidentally end up there for days or weeks. They need someone from this time who already.

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