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Knox (Beaumont)

"When are y'all gonna go back to normal?" Stetson asked gruffly as he yanked off his well worn baseball cap and wiped his sweat soaked head. It was hot out today, nearly one-oh-two and we were stuck mending fences at Senor Grouchy Ass' ranch an hour outside of Red Mire. For the last two hours Stetson had been bitching at me about the level of tension at the house lately. It had been a long, awkward week at the apartment with me trying my best to avoid the very sharp, knowing gaze of Texas.

"When it isn't hot anymore in Hell." I quipped, trying to focus on what my hands were doing. It seemed that he was more intent on finding out what was going on between me and Texas than getting paid. I let out a slow breath only to take in a quick drawl of the dry air, holding back a cough the the best of my ability. I hated when it was this dry out, but there wasn't much that could be avoided when you practically lived in Satan's Crotch. I heard a deep grumble from beside me but chose to ignore it. While Stetson wanted us back to normal for his sake, I wasn't sure how to act around Texas and that wasn't something I would just get over. 

"Are ya gonna tell me what yer arguin' 'bout in the first damned place?" I wanted to smile but knew it'd start a big argument. Stetson's accent grew thicker the more irritated he got and right now, he was pretty irked. Originally, Stetson was from Georgia and had a drawl that was nearly impossible to understand. He tossed his glowing green eyes in my direction when he heard my snicker and if looks killed I would've been fertilizer for Grouchy Ass' wife's prized Azaleas. 

I really didn't want to talk about it which is why I'd been avoiding both the subject with Stetson and Texas in general. I sighed slowly through my nose and hoped that he'd drop the subject as I returned to work, sweating my balls off and mulling over my dilemma. 

* * * * *

There was a familiar golden brown head standing in front of our apartment door when we got home later that evening, standing with a hip cocked, in six inch heels and balancing a million department store garment bags in her arms. There was an impatient air about her as she stood there, tapping her shiny pink toes while she waited on the door to open.  Stetson and I shot one another looks and debated if she'd hear us if we backtracked and tried to make our way to the truck to escape. 

As if she'd heard our collective intakes of breath, her head swung in our direction. I swear her horns popped out from her curtain of hair and her dark eyes narrowed to slits. She looked particularly scary today, wearing a frilly pink ensemble that reminded me of Legally Blonde and the thick shield of make-up that covered the mass of freckles on her face. Tennessee was evil caped in blonde. 

"Oh, good. The Wonder Twins are home." Tennessee's tone was dry. "Can you let me in? Texas isn't opening the door and I need her to try on a few Maid of Honor gowns." Neither of us moved when she motioned her arm full of bags toward the doors. We didn't want to let her in, especially if what she wanted to talk about was anything involved in that joke of a wedding. Texas would lose her shit. While allowing X to attack Tennessee in a throw down to the death was an entertaining idea, I knew I couldn't afford to bail her out of jail when Mrs. Muller next door called the cops because of the noise. Aside from that, Texas wouldn't be able to live with herself if she harmed one of her sisters, no matter how much that sister deserved it.

"X doesn't want to see you, Tennessee." Stetson mumbled, narrowing his eyes at her in a very unfriendly manner that surprised me. Stetson was nice to everyone. Even the lady who'd run over his dog in seventh grade. "You'd best get outta here before we call the sheriff. You're not welcome here, one bit." He warned, his tone lowering in a dangerous manner. I noted the tense set of his jaw and the way her bowed up his chest, wondering what caused his sudden change in personality. 

Tennessee's eyes widened at the same time that her bottom jaw dropped. She was as astounded as I was. I saw the moment that she changed from classic Tennessee to indignant southern princess. It was a face she wore well.

"You've got no right to speak to me in that tone, Stetson. And I am welcome here, Texas is my sister and while she lives here, I will come and go as I please!" She punctuated her shriek with a hard stomp of her dainty little shoe. I was pretty sure he was being kind compared to what he could be.

"I'm gonna say I held my tongue pretty well, Tennessee. I didn't call you a selfish bitch, did I?" He snapped, his face growing red as his voice rose. "I mean, what kind of sister goes off and not only dates, but gets engaged to the man her sister has pined after for years -- and then expects said sister, who she hasn't spoken to in months, to just up and be a part of the wedding?" My jaw was likely on the floor. In all of my life I'd never heard Stetson even refer to a woman as a bitch, let alone outright call her one -- and here he was callin' a lady one to her face. I knew he was protective of Texas, but not to this extent. 


"And you'd think that since her sister left the family home in tears that the twin who'd done all of this would try to reach out immediately, not months later! Not when the other sister was just starting to get over it!" 

The door behind Tennessee opened to reveal a wide mouthed Texas in my pajamas and a messy bun, carrying three beers in her hand. 

"Well," she drawled, cocking her hip against the door with a wry smile. "Thisss is miii-ghty awkward, in'nit?" And oh, boy. Sounded like Texas had already indulged while we were away.

* * * * 


Beer had a way of makin' my drawl slow and more pronounced, which in a normal state of mind usually pissed me off. I, however, was not in a normal mindset. 

I may've downed a six pack by myself. 

And stolen a few shots from Stetson's stash of whiskey.


Okay, so I was buzzed and my words were a little slurred. 

But, I'll tell you what. Nothing like seeing your sour faced twin sister facing off your two best friends in a glare-off on the front porch when all you want to do is enjoy a few with your friends kills a buzz. Did I mention Tennessee was carrying garment bags? I knew what was in them, I just knew because why else would she be here? It wasn't like she'd tried to call or text, or visit in the time I'd been here. She sure as hell didn't care that I wasn't in the mood for wedding plans -- she could come back in 5 years and I still wouldn't be.

Yeah. Slaughter might be more appropriate, actually. Tennessee had single-handedly slaughtered the buzz I'd worked so hard for. 

"Uh, X, maybe no more beer for you, honey." Stetson mumbled, his red face cooling lightly. I wondered what had caused the normally laid back guy to get worked up. 

"But it's so fun, Stet." I mumbled, poking out my bottom lip in a pathetic pout I knew would cause him to take it back. But, now that I had unwanted company looking so expectantly at me, it wasn't quite so fun.  

Sorry for not updating before now, I know it isn't interesting or anything, but I wanted to put something out. I should have another chapter soon, depending on when my new job starts. Thanks for bein' patient. 


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