Chapter Two

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The beeping of my alarm jolted me awake. I groggily lifted my head from the comfort of my pillow and squinted into the darkness. It took me three tries before my hand, blindly flailing over my dresser, finally connected with the alarm. Then I snuggled deeper underneath my blankets and tried to shut out the sound of my dad getting ready for work.

"Rayne?" he called from the hallway. "Are you up yet?"

I opted to remain silent, but that only prompted Dad to rap on my bedroom door. I groaned and turned over in bed, throwing the covers over my face to block out the blinding light that was sure to flood my room at any second.

"Rayne?" Dad called again. "It's time to get up, hon."

"Go away," I groaned, my voice muffled by the pillow.

Dad knocked a few more times. "Rayne Bennett, if you're not out of bed in five minutes, I won't let you swim in the meet tomorrow!"

I muttered something incomprehensible, but tossed off my covers nonetheless and forced myself to get moving. After swinging my legs over the side of my bed, I plodded over to my closet and yanked down some clothes. Fifteen minutes later, after going through the compulsory routine of getting ready for school, I dragged myself into the kitchen for breakfast.

"There's my sleeping beauty," Dad teased. Using his coffee mug, he gestured to the backpack slung around my shoulders. "You won't be needing that today."


"Here. Eat up. It's going to be a long day."

I stared blankly at the plate Dad slid onto the table. Some scrambled eggs and a few strips of bacon stared back at me. I blinked. "What's going on?"

"I already called Newland High. You're excused for today on account of important family business."

It took a few seconds for the weight of his words to finally sink in. "You mean...I'm not going to school?"

Dad nodded.

"Then why did you wake me up? I could've slept in for once!"

"Ah, but we're going somewhere." A determined look sharpened Dad's face as he spoke. "We're leaving in ten minutes. I would bring a warm jacket and a book if I were you."

"But I don't want to read—"

"Well, you better bring something to do, because it's going to be a long drive." He wiggled his eyebrows at me before disappearing around the corner and into the garage.

I stared uncomprehendingly at my eggs and bacon until the pieces slowly started to fit together. "So we're going to Shady Cove," I told my breakfast. "Well, that certainly came out of the blue. I wonder why Dad is so gung-ho about this moving business."

When the food on my plate didn't reply, I sighed and picked up a strip of bacon. The warm, crispy texture melted in my mouth immediately. As I chewed, I wondered which was worse: missing a day of practice for the swim meet tomorrow, or taking a trip to my birthplace and being confronted with memories of her.

Oh well. Either way, it was sure to be interesting.

_ _ _ _ _

"Oh yeah! Life—goes—on!"

Dad and I belted the lyrics to a John Mellencamp song as we rocketed down the highway. Even though the air was biting cold outside, both of our windows had been rolled down, causing my long black hair to whip around my face. We were all laughs and smiles. Dad had finally brought me over to his side, and I was content with ditching school to go on a little adventure.

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