CyberShip - Introduction

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Hello everyone, as some of you know I had this book posted previously but it had a different setting! It ended up being too similar to my other book, The Time Lady, so I removed it and changed the plot line a bit! Enjoy <3

update: 11.05.17
  bless you all who have stumbled upon this novel. thank you so much for coming in, but be aware that this novel is in need of MAJOR EDITING and MAJOR CHANGES. After going back and reading this forever after its original completion date, I have realised how much my writing has truly changed. Eventually this will be edited and things, but until then I hope you enjoy this...


When my head hit the metal wall, then the rest of my body, all the air I had in me was knocked from my lungs so viciously that I fell to my knees gasping in pain as I wrapped my hand around my aching side, and clutched at my newly broken ribs as tears filled my eyes. Gasping for air I looked up towards the creatures with a laugh even with how breathless I found myself. "It's going to take a lot more than that," I called loudly to the creature who advanced towards me in my vulnerable position. "to kill me. You should know that." When I managed to catch my breath enough to where I would be able to stand up without passing out, I rolled myself out of the way of the creatures swinging weapon as it was slashed down towards my head.

Today definitely wasn't a good day. Holding in the cry of pain that wanted to escape my mouth as I rolled out of the way of the attack, putting pressure on the already broken ribs, I pushed myself to my feet in a rush of adrenaline. My hair was all over the place as I stumbled down the brightly lit hallways with the sound of Cybermen storming up from behind me, screaming their annoying rants of my deletion and how compatible I was with their new systems.

My original plan for today was to be normal. Act like a human even though I was the complete opposite. That idea, that plan was quickly cut short when my vortex manipulator bleeped in desperation, in warning of a near by alien threat. That's why I was where I was now, running down the hallway of a Cybermen ship with broken ribs and a busted face. When ever there was ever even a small threat to the human race of alien invasion, I was on it in a flash even with my lack of equipment. It was my job to protect Earth from Alien threat and invasion.

Dodging the laser that was fired at me from a Cyberman's arm, I found myself slipping in my own blood as I ran as fast as I could to the Cybership's main control room where I locked myself inside. There was no way out except for my vortex manipulator, well, that was if the stupid thing would work when I needed it to. My hands quickly ran across the buttons of the control room, flicking switches, pulling levers, pushing buttons that were bright red. Red meant caution did it not? self destruct buttons were usually always red.

I proved myself right as my hand smashed down one last red button, and blue lights began to flash over head in warning. SELF DESTRUCTION IN 3. Taking a deep breath, I turned around right as the door to the control room was viciously ripped open my the Cybermen's hands and thrown to the side. Giving them a painful smile as I let out a chuckle, I shook my head at them all, the entire hallway was full of silver men wanting to destroy me. "It's been fun you lot," I called out dialing co-ordinates into my vortex manipulator never breaking my eyes away from the metal men. "Really, I've had a very good time. Thank you for the run! I'd tell you come back again but I don't think there's going to be anything left of you here in about three seconds so, it seems our friendly time is being cut short."

Grinning to myself, I shut the small cover of the vortex manipulator after entering where I wanted to go before waving my hand at the silver men with a shining smile. "Tootles, my dears." The blue and white light of the vortex manipulator surrounded me right as the Cybership went into self destruct sending metal debris everywhere in space as I was teleported home in a matter of seconds.

As soon as my feet touched the carpet flooring of my bedroom, all the pain from the broken ribs and busted face returned as the adrenaline wore off quickly. Grabbing a stethoscope from the bathroom I listened to both of my hearts to make sure there was no damage done to them from the broken ribs which I was grasping in my free hand. Luckily, being a Timelord meant my healing process was quadruple that of a human being's. I'd be fine by tomorrow morning. taking my time as I cleaned myself up, I wrapped my ribs, stitched my wounds, before looking down at the vortex manipulator that was burnt into my arm.

It'd been that way for many years and often I covered it up well with jacket sleeves. Though I've tried to rip it off before, it didn't ever budge. It was melted around the bone. No way to get it off. I sighed, looking in the mirror as I pulled my shirt back on. "saved again another day." Reaching in the pocket of my jeans I pulled out a Polaroid picture I'd taken while on the ship for memory reasons, and pinned it to the wall after signing the date. Taking a step back, I admired the wall that was almost completely covered in Polaroid photos. Dates were signed on every one, some dates going back into the 1980's, some even farther back than that.

Grinning, I crossed my arms in appreciation of myself and my accomplishments.

My name? Is Cara Jones. I'm the last breathing Timelord from the planet Gallifrey with nothing but a vortex manipulator on my arm and it was my job to not only protect Earth, but the universe. And boy, I enjoyed every bit of it.

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