Robot Santa? - Giant Spiders and a Kiss

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here we go guys, another part for you all to enjoy, I didn't realise how long this was going to be so there's a few skips I'm so sorry this is a bit sloppy I'm rewriting soon. please vote, comment!

Blood would gush from the new wound with every little movement I would make, the wood lodging deeper into my thigh. Looking around, people were holding one another, ambulances were arriving outside the building to help those in need. As paramedics seemed to rush in, and one rushed to me I shook my head. "No no, they're your main priority. Not me. I'm..I'm a Doctor." Which wasn't exactly a lie. I could easily stitch myself up and that would be easy to do once I got back to the TARDIS. 

Speaking of Doctor, where the hell was mine? Looking around, the Doctor was still gone from view, out of sight. Nearly out of mind. The Paramedics rushed around to help the elders first who couldn't get themselves up off the ground. Forcing myself to stand up, I kept as much weight as I could off my bad leg. That's when I heard his voice. "Donna, we've got to get to your office. HC Clements. I think that's where it all started." His voice rambled as he rushed into the room, still clutching the controller. "Lance! Is it Lance? Lance, can you give me a lift?" The Doctor cried out as he rushed over to Donna's fiance, that's when I started to limp my way over.

Lance was nodding his head and grabbing his keys as I made it over and gripped onto the Doctor's shoulder. "What's going on?" I questioned quickly, trying to catch my breath. The limp over here was terribly hard. The Doctor snapped his head to me instantly, narrowing his eyes at my painful expression as I tried to hide it. "What? Where are we going, where is Lance taking us?" Putting most of my weight on the Doctor's shoulder, his hands softly grabbed onto my hips to keep me standing.

"Cara.." the Doctor shook his head. "What is-" That's when blood from my leg dripped onto his white converse shoes. Both of us looked down and watched the blood seep through the white fabric, and the Doctor looked at my leg, looking back up at me with wide eyes. "Cara you told me you were fine!"

Shaking my head I shushed him. "I am! I'm fine, you said Lance is taking us to HC  Clements, let's not waste time, come on. I'll fix it up in the car."

"How are you going to fix that up!" Donna protested as Lance was running towards his car, the Doctor shook his head and suddenly picked me up.  A gasp left my mouth with pain laced in it, my hand slapping over my thigh as the Doctor carried me.

"Put me down! Dunder head! I can walk!" I protested as the Doctor carried me to Lance's car and we all piled in. My hand hit him on his chest, and I fought with him slightly as he tried to restrain me from wiggling around to much. "I am not a child!"

"No, you're not. But you are hurt!" When the Doctor raised his voice at me I growled heavily. Grabbing the piece of wood, I jerked it free from my leg and the Doctor widened his eyes in shock. Grabbing a small thread from my jacket I pulled and pulled until the thread broke, reaching into the Doctor's coat I searched around until I found a safety pin, and broke the long pointy part off. Tying the string around it, I looked at the Doctor. "Don't you dare." He blurted, but it was too late, I was already threading the needle and thread through the skin to close the wound. "Cara!"

The pain was intense, absolutely intense. But I held it in and Donna stared at me in shock. Tying a knot in the thread, I finished the stitching and it was almost perfect for it to be done in a moving car. "See? Look. I'm fine. Perfectly fine. Okay?" I huffed, biting back pain with a deep breath. There was anger in the Doctor's face, and as we arrived at HC Clements, the Doctor continued to carry me from the car, which I was thankful for. There's was no way I could walk now.

Opening the doors with his sonic using one hand, the Doctor carried me inside. "To you lot this might just be a locksmiths, but H C Clements was brought up twenty three years ago by the Torchwood Institute." The Doctor called out and I listened to him closely as he spoke.

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