Robot Santa? - Merry Christmas

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Here you go guys, another part for you all to enjoy. Vote, comment! Let me know what you think! This was a bit of a filler to tie up the end of this episode with Donna! Now for some original adventures!

Sitting me down as we got back into the TARDIS, the Doctor rushed over to the console and began to look underneath it for some kind of medical kit as I hissed at the pain in my leg.  Feeling light headed from the blood loss, Donna was standing near the console soaking wet like the rest of us as the Doctor let his panic show on his features and through his actions. "You know you should've listened to me when I told you not to sew up your own leg." He blurted out as he walked over with a stitching kit and a handful of antiseptic materials.

Looking up at the Doctor with heavy eyes, the blush on my cheeks from the kiss had disappeared and my face was pale due to losing so much blood. "Yeah well, it's never fun to listen you know." Smirking at him, the Doctor couldn't help his soft smirk as he knelt down in front of me and his hands touched at my leg.

Using a pair of scissors, he cut my pant leg off easily and exposed the large gash. "Always a trouble maker CJ.." The Doctor muttered as he looked up at me after putting his black framed glasses back on his nose. "This is going to hurt." Listening to his words I sighed and took a deep breath, reaching and resting my hand on his shoulder, gripping softly at the wet fabric of his suit. "Are you ready?"

Giving a quick smile, I nodded. "Just get it over with please." Nodding his head softly, the Doctor used a antiseptic wipe around the outside of the wound, flushing it with clean water as he threaded the stitching needle with the black fiber. Of course the stitches would only need to be in for two days, seeing my Timelord body would heal quickly. Giving me a soft look, the Doctor began to stitch.

Hissing softly, my fingers curled into the fabric of his jacket upon his shoulder. Biting into my lip I let out a soft whimper and took a deep breath as Donna watched this all unfold in front of her. "I've never been big on blood.." Donna called out softly as she turned her back on the scene. Chuckling at her, I shook my head softly, my fingers leaving tiny bloody stains on the Doctor's shoulder as I gripped onto him. 

Soon the pain disappeared, the feeling of the needle threading in and out of my pale skin was easy to cope with now that It'd been going on for ten minutes. "Don't worry, it's just blood." Winking at Donna with sleepy eyes, I looked down at the Doctor, running my other hand softly through his locks as he remained focused on the stitching. 

Watching a gentle smile pull on his lips, the Doctor tied a knot and finished his work. "And..done." He hummed, clipping the thread as I let my fingertips trace across his hairline. A smile on my lips. The Doctor cupped a hand over mine and brought our hands to rest on his cheek. "Lets get you to bed.."

Frowning, I shook my head. "But what about Donna?" Looking over at her, she turned around upon hearing her name, giving us a smile. 

"Just take me home, that's all I have let, yeah?"

The Doctor and I gave her a soft, sad smile. She'd lost her fiance, her wedding was a disaster, and yet she still was holding her head up. Looking down at the Doctor, he had his big soft eyes staring at me. "I want to take Donna home and say goodbye to her, and then I promise, I promise I'll rest. Okay?" With a worrying smile, the Doctor nodded before he slowly stood up in front of me.

My hand gently slipped from his as he kissed my forehead, walking over to the console where Donna stood. "Where do you live?" 

Watching the Doctor and Donna speak to one another, I gripped to the jumpseat as the TARDIS went into flight, and I knew my cheeks were probably blushing again from the kiss to the forehead I had received. Why? Why kiss me, out of all people? Shaking my head I kept my thoughts to myself, unable to explain the way I was feeling over the affection I'd received and kindly returned.

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