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Nathaniel Jay Cruz posted a new video

'Confession and the rotten egg challenge.'


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Oh. I forgot to tell you that Nathaniel is also a famous YouTuber with over 500,000 subscribers? WEll, he is. 

I clicked on his video because, they are always really funny, especially the challenges. 

What is UP all you people out there? My name is Nathaniel or Nathan Cruz and welcome to....the ROTTEN EGG CHALLENGE! Today I am here with *drum roll* my best friend  Oscar drew and another really awesome YouTuber. Also here we have my little brother Mason who will be asking us questions and if we get it wrong, we crack an egg on our heads. As you can see we are not actually doing this on my bed because then it will be all covered in eggs and being the lazy shit I am who lives alone, I will be too lazy to change my bed sheets and will end up sleeping on the couch. Anyways, some are rotten and some are hard boiled and the loser will have to crack an egg into their mouth. Hope you enjoy this video and stay tuned for a confession after we are done! 

The video so far was hilarious. Nathaniel kept getting hard boiled eggs every time he got a question wrong. And so far, that was four wrong two right. 

Okay, next question is... what is the E-3 rank in the Army called. Mason asked 

"Private First Class."

Umm. You mean like the Marines, air-force? Oscar asked 

No. The army. You know like on land." 

I know only the marines. My dad was a corporal. Nathaniel said 

Well then. It is called Private First Class. Now crack an egg. 

Nathaniel picked up an egg and smashed it against his head which ended up being rotten. 

EWWWW! Oh my GOD it was rotten. That is disgusting!

Ha! And mines was hard boiled! In your face loser! Oscar shouted. 

So yeah, I am the loser and now i have to crack an egg into my mouth and eat it. Gosh i hope it is not rotten. Or i am gonna die. He cracked the egg into his mouth and surprise surprise, it was rotten. He spat it out into the sink while Mason and Oscar laughed. 

Well that was the end of the challenge and now I am going to go and wash this out of my head and I will be right back for the confession. See y'all in a bit. 

A second later Nathaniel appears back on the screen. His hair was still a little bit wet, and he had no shirt on which was HOT.  He had some nice collar bones. 


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So. It is confession time. And it is that...I have a cush. And it is like a major one. Like so big I think I might be in love. Truth is, that this has been going on for maybe, October of last year. This is why I haven't been dating because truth be told, I can't date other girls without thinking about that one girl. And I just need to get it off my chest. 

She has the prettiest blue eyes, the softest looking blonde hair. She is really smart and her height makes her even cuter because she is not even 5'5. She might not seem perfect to a lot of the people around me and around her, but to me she is absolutely flawless. And I really want to ask her out but I don't know if she likes me back or not. She goes to my school, and I even share some classes with her but I am just so scared to ask her out. Actually, I want you to go and comment below if you think I should do it or not. 

He stopped when somebody started talking to him.

What? You want me to do what? Okay.

So Oscar and Mason said that if this video gets 15,000 likes then I will ask the girl out and post it on my channel if she says yes, and if she says no then well, I will be a heartbroken puppy. 

That is when Mason and Oscar joined him.

Well our friend over here is whipped but anyways, lets get this video to 15K because Nathan won't stop talking about this girl. Oscar said

So guys, go comment if you want, leave a like and make sure to subscribe to this channel if you haven't yet. Oh and I didn't reveal the girl's name because I know that she is subscribed to my channel. Until next time. Bye! 

And with that the video ended. 

I felt my heart breaking a little once I looked at the likes because the video has already hit 12K likes. But i couldn't help but still press that button. 

Somehow the girl reminded me of myself but at the same time I knew that he wouldn't like me. And I didn't want to get my hopes up. But truth is, I really liked him. I have been developing feelings for him ever since freshman year and they have been growing since then, and now, more then ever. Ever since we have been paired up for chemistry. I can almost say that I love him. Not even almost. 


I am in love with Nathaniel Jay Cruz and he is going to ask out another girl in front of the entire school and post it on social media because the video has just hit 16K. 

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