Chapter 8- The Plan

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Chapter 8- The Plan

For the last three hours, more of Brianna's memory from the past returned to her and as she put the puzzles together, she understood what was going on. She apologized to Aubrey for ever getting her into that mess and begged her to forgive her.

"Bree, don't beat yourself up. It wasn't your fault." Aubrey said and Josh comforted her.

"My mother, the woman I knew my entire life was destined to kill my brother and I? How could a mother do this to her children? She loved Bryan so much. Why would she plan this? And why all these 'business trips'? Even after the death of Bryan, she still continued her trips. Was she really gone and why would she get you mixed up in this?" Bree said confused.

"Does your father have anything to do with this?" Aubrey asked scared.

"I don't this so. The way he looked at me when he saw me tied up, I saw him break. His eyes held so much emotion." Bree cried out.

"We need to come up with a plan. You both can't hide away forever." Josh said and both girls agreed with him.

"So, what are we going to do?" Aubrey asked.

"Okay. I then I have the perfect plan. Josh, you will have to do all the dirty work." Bree said, looking at his reaction.

"Why me?" he cried out scared.

"Because Aubrey and I are supposed to be missing from our kidnappers. If we were caught, then we would be back with these awful people.

"True." he said skeptically, "But I don't want to be kidnapped too."

"Please, for me?" Brianna said, trying to seduce Josh.

"Okay. But, when we get the bad guys locked up, you have to go on a date with me since you stood me up." Josh said, watching  Bree intently.

"Deal." Bree said smiling.

"Okay. Can we stop with the mooshie stuff?" Aubrey asked.

"Jealous much?" Josh teased Aubrey and she made a silly face at him.

"Okay. So here's the plan. Josh will follow my father when he leaves the house tomorrow to go to work in the D.A's office. As soon as he gets out of his car in the underground parking lot, Josh will approach him and bring him into his car. Josh will then drive back to his house and my father will be able to explain what my mother has really been up to all these years and hopefully try to stop her, before someone else ends up dead." Brianna said.

"That's a great plan. Nothing can go wrong." Josh said and Bree put her hand on her head.

"Why would you even say something like that? Whenever someone says stupidness like that, everything goes wrong. Nice going Josh, you just sealed our fate. Good luck getting out alive to have your date with Bree." Aubrey said sarcastically to Josh.

"Chill guys. We'll be fine. Plus, if anything, I'll come up with a backup plan. After all, I still have the gun we used to escape and it's fully loaded." Brianna said smiling evilly at the things she was imagining to do the guys who killed her brother.

"Okay, let's get something to eat because I'm starving and then go prepare ourselves for tomorrow." Bree said and then went to the kitchen to get something to eat.

_____________END OF CHAPTER__________

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Next chapter coming soon.

Two more chapters and then this book will be completed...yay!!!!!!!!

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