Chapter 9- Shocking News

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Chapter 9- Shocking News

Brianna got up at five in the morning and went to shower. She and Aubrey wore clothes that Josh's sister who was away at college, had left behind. She went to the kitchen and realized that Josh was already up.

"Hey Josh." Bree said calmly.

"Bree..." he said hesitantly.

"Yes?" she said and he walked closer to her and placed his hands on her waist pulling her closer.

"Brianna, I've had a crush on you from time I met you. You're such a sweet and kind person, even though you've friend zoned me for the last three years. I finally decided that I should stop acting shy around you and just be confident, because if I didn't act soon, someone else would. You said yes..."he said and his eyes began to water and voice cracked a little," And...that same went missing."

"Josh..." Bree said trying to sympathize with him.

"I thought I lost you. If only I had demanded that you got in my car, then you would not have been taken. Your bag and cracked phone were found not too far away from your house, as well as Aubrey's phone which had been run over by a vehicle. I was devastated. I longed to hear your voice and see you again. And the night you called me, I thought I was speaking to a ghost. You had been gone for two weeks already and people were saying horrible things, that it wasn't the first time you were kidnapped.... that..that..." his tears began to fall down his face and Bree wiped them for him,  "this time they would not find you."

Josh cried out and Bree hugged him tight.

"Promise me, that you'll make it out of this remembering how much I love you so that I can officially make you my girlfriend on our future first date." Josh said and looked at Brianna with so much love. He then kissed her passionately on the lips but that was ruined by the clearing of someone's throat.

Josh looked to see his mother standing there.

"What's going on?" she asked with her arms folded and Bree turned around to face Mrs.Armstrong.

"Is that the missing girl, Mr.Montgomery's daughter?" she asked and began to go ballistic on Josh.

"Mom, calm down." Josh said.

"Don't tell me what to do. I'm calling the police. Her parents have been worried sick about her. Has she been here all this time?" her mother said and ran to pick up the house line but was stopped by Josh.

"Mom. Listen to me. Her mother set up the kidnapping. If you call the police, Brianna will be dead and I won't lose her ever again." he said causing his mom to stare at her son in shock.

She stood speechless and Brianna too did not know how to react.

Aubrey then came down the stairs and she could immediately feel the tension in the room.

"Is this a bad time?" she asked skeptically.

"This must be Aubrey. Are you okay sweetie?" Josh's mom asked her and she responded with a small smile and nodding of the head.

_________an hour later________

After that very awkward breakfast, the girls went to prepare themselves for the day. When they came back down the stairs, Josh was already dressed. He told the girls to relax and stay safe as he went to get Bree's dad.

In the mean time, Brianna went online trying to track down her mother who was supposedly on a business trip. She decided to discover the reason why her mother would do such a thing. She began to read various articles about her mother.

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