Chapter 45: New Evidence

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Naruto Uzumaki

I still didn't understand  how they could hide something like this from me, on top of that they tried sending me away so they could kill him to their liking but even still, they weren't happy with that...  they just had to stab him in case he was saved in any way. There was something obvious here: someone was going out of their way to kill Sasuke and that worried me. Who mostly wanted to see Sasuke dead? I didn't know, but I was going to investigate it.

We took Sasuke to the hospital but I felt how his life escaped from him much faster each time. He was beginning to stop breathing, he wouldn't stop bleeding and I didn't know what to do although Ino, who studied medicine since a few years ago, tried to stop the hemorrhage.

Ibiki left him on one of the stretchers and although the people looked at us with a fatal look on their face, I didn't care, I wanted them to save Sasuke. They had to save them no matter what happened; he was everything to me now and I know that I arrived late- as usual, my damn habit of being late. Why couldn't I be early for at least once in my life? I was late during the Chunnin exams when Orochimaru attacked him, I was late when those five recruited him, I was late when he decided to leave, and I was late now that they had almost killed him.

Ino entered with Sasuke with a few medics I didn't know, but Ino calmed me down saying she trusted them as she didn't want to make me worry more. The one thing that worried me right now was not seeing Sasuke alive because of my damn fault; I wasn't capable of being on time when he needed me. I felt like an idiot and an imbecile; he had told me a few times before how he wanted me to let him leave and I kept him tied to my side. So many times he told me that he loved me and I rejected him only to find out that now, I couldn't live without him.

I cried in the hallway where they left me alone and although I stood with my back against the wall, I ended up sliding down to the floor, unable to stop crying. It was Sasuke who was in there, dying. So long I had looked for him, wishing for him to come back, to become a part of our team once again. I remembered his egocentric smiles when he called me scaredy-cat, his eyes full of it because he saved my ass in almost every mission. I remembered how high and mighty he sounded when he talked to everyone because he was an Uchiha who believed to be the most powerful being to walk the earth when he wasn't, but even so, I liked his attitude because when he was by my side, I felt like we were capable of doing anything.

We were perfect working together. He always said that I bothered him, that I was an annoyance but he always ended up counting on me; we were inseparable, we always were, ever since the academy. We worked well together, I could even say that nobody could stop us when we were together and seeing him there laying on that bed bleeding out because I... was late... He had tried to tell me in so many ways and I hadn't believed him, I cursed myself for that.

While Sasuke was in the hospital with Ino, I went with Ibiki to look over the case. He made me tell him everything I remembered about the incident with Sasuke, but truth is, I didn't remember much apart from him trying to kill me and how he asked for my help. I don't know exactly what Ibiki was trying to learn from this and I knew that I had to tell him all the details because he was the one who was able to stop the execution and give me time to fix all this. I trusted him and plus, he was the leader in interrogation and torture, he was an expert in these types of cases so I had the utmost trust in him. I just didn't know what else to tell him that could help him discover what happened that day.

"Let's see, Naruto... let's repeat this." He said, almost tired. "What happened?"

"I don't know, when I came home, Sasuke was there on the floor and he told me to leave and all of a sudden, he went crazy and attacked me."

"Is that the only thing you remember?"

"Yes, I don't know, does it help you that I kissed him and he cried?" I asked him with a doubt.

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