Chapter 59: Hokage

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Naruto Uzumaki

When I woke up that morning, it made me happy to see Sasuke at my side now out of the hospital and sleeping like a log without the need of sedatives or some other medication. Although, Ino had reminded me that he had to still take some medication for a few more days. I saw him to torn there, laying in my bed and I felt bad because I had brought him to this situation. Ever since I brought him to the village, I was the one at fault for all of his suffering and I couldn't think of anything else except that.

I caressed his hair and he turned to me, grabbing me because at least now he could move his arms, I didn't even think he could fight because  he couldn't make seals, so it provoked this sensation in me as if I had to protect him of everything and everyone now. He had always looked after me, he was willing to die for me if it was necessary and now... it was my obligation to be at his side and help him in everything I could.

I hugged him as well and pulled him a bit closer to me to my advantage so I could caress him more. He seemed so sweet when he slept, as if he were a small kid although in reality, when he opened his eyes I would find myself with that lone guy with a deep look that only thought of revenge. But I would show him that not everything was about revenge, there was much more. That there was love, too and I loved him very much. I never wanted to separate from him ever again.

My great problem now was that after the war, they had once again offered me position as Hokage and honestly... it had been my dream to be Hokage but it was also to live with Sasuke and I didn't know to what point the village would forgive him. Should I chose the position or not? I know Danzou was being looked for by justice; Ibiki and his team were on his heals but... would Sasuke support living here? Surely he would, he was capable of supporting anything for me but I didn't want him to deal with it. I wanted him to be happy and I wasn't so sure that living in the village would be happiness for Sasuke.

With the conversation we had last night, I knew that Sasuke didn't want to be in the village and that I should start making decisions, to make myself the point that I would never become Hokage, but it's just that after seeing how they treated Sasuke in this village, I wasn't so sure I wanted to be it's Hokage. They were only a group of people that had tried to kill my guy; selfish people that didn't deserve my charge. They only wanted me because I had become strong and I could defend the village but I wasn't that innocent kid whom they could easily manipulate to their liking anymore. I was going to march away with Sasuke and I didn't care if that made me into a criminal.

I should at least wait a few days until Sasuke could move better to leave here. He needed much rest and I couldn't ask Sasuke now to leave, we would have to deal with staying a few more days here. I watched him sleep and after caressing his hair, his arm, and his back, I gave him a kiss on the forehead before getting up out of bed carefully and changed to go out and buy a few things that we needed; mainly Sasuke's medicines.

I passed by for his medicines at the hospital and I ran into Hinata and Ino, still helping a few ninjas they brought in from the battlefield— a battle that was now in it's last moments as the troops drew back and it was possibly from the rumor that Sasuke had died thanks to Danzou and that attack he made on him.

Ibiki was there, too, looking for information on Danzou and his whereabouts although he had almost his entire squadron looking for him, even Ino's dad was in on it. He had entered in the minds of many of the subordinates Danzou had to be able to find some information about all of this.

"How's Sasuke?" Ibiki asked me when I passed by him.

"He's sleeping." I commented. "I've come to pick up his pain medication."

"It still hurts a lot?"

"Fairly. It's going to take some more time for him to move like he used to."

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