ii. UNBECOMING BOY (secondo)

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time for a change /

you take her outside / hands itching for the steering wheel / instead, ease her fingers onto the stick shift / make her laugh / she's trying not to crash / you can barely hear her over the heartbeats bangin' in your chest /

first gear /

sweet cherry lipped girl / innocent as a picked rose cherub girl / but you don't convince yourself / she's a wishcandy girl / rot your teeth away into a graveyard girl / careful for the knife she'll plunge deep into your chest / calm down / it's only a metaphor /

shift into second gear and you're afraid / because you can call her rotten all you want but that's only the dolce taste of love on her tongue / "you're a bramble rose - / you prick the sky till it's sanguine with blood - / - you paint the ferrari red" / you tell her, she listens / you wish she wouldn't / or do you truly? who are you kidding?

third gear now /

good boy / becoming boy / sure, don't kid yourself too much / but how about those episodes / young boy still ravelled in satin sheets like a second home / rubber burns against asphalt / blood of gasoline / boy like an engine / you peel off that paper-thin skin goodness /

you're afraid, boy- / -afraid and shifting into fourth gear

you tell her to pull over on the emergency stop / to feel her pulse underneath your touch / because it makes you feel alive / a girl is a gun is poison to your lungs / let her climb over the gear shift / hips in your hands / creme brûlées, parfaits, custards- / - just don't taste as sweet as her angel food tongue / the inebriating cocktail of desire and danger /

fifth gear now / fifth gear now /

but you skip to sixth / 250km/hr, no qualms, no fright, she's in safe hands / a synonym for unsafe / you can't help but love her / you can't help but want her / even if it's no good /

so you sell your goodness to a boy downtown

if you couldn't tell, i switched to his pov now because reasons and why not ?? okay but give this needy child love im actually in love with this story (guilty as charged) but im more in love with all of you oops <3

edited: 28 april, 2018

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