holier without his kiss, 1

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here comes a feeling you'd thought you'd forgotten: where hummingbirds have razor wings in your honeysuckle heart / where angel halos slice his name onto your skin / where your sighs are heaven born and taste of heartache.

he knows how to do it. how to make you feel like the sun rises in your veins just for you. he's a prince with no crown but for your hands in his hair. a dead poet boy dancing to the tune of the cicadas' buzz with you. and his eyes, twin flowers of moonlight. hot wax on your skin. it cools until you can no longer move your li– and when the sun breaks open the sky from under your skin, so does the moon in his eyes.

there's the look of his face after he kisses you like a vision on your eyelids. a taste of his fingers on your tongue. and you, you're all over his hands like a glass of spilled milk. warm, slick, he's an addict of you and you let him lap you up just to get closer to him just to get closer to hi– tie your hair around his wrists or you'll be gone before long. fill his mouth with a buttery kiss. let his tongue trace his name on the roof of your mouth until you forget your own. let him make you feel, baby.

and he does. make you feel holy in a white slip dress, dewy skin, dusty soles, his hair the colour of apricot sap on tanned skin. unholy with his head between your breasts, your very own moon crescent, lips eclipsing, sun dripping blood where once was white.

you can love him if you want. with your eyes slipping close with your fingers too clumsy to hold with your mind that's too slow. he'll love you even. and that's where you'll feel the sun breaking out all over your skin.

here comes the feeling you'd thought you'd forgotten: what it means to fall in love.

sorry this is shit i need to go study but i was inspired/he inspires me to write shit someone talk to me about astronomy or literature and i'll love you forever

edited: may 5, 2017
lmao this dude ^^ I hate so much now
what was i thinking

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