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(Y/n)'s pov

"Ya'know... Yellow diamond is hella weird around you" amethyst said while practically inhaling her food.

"Yeah, I know. She's probably in love with me. Maybe she'll bring me some Mac Donald's to prove her live for me" I joked.

We're at lunch with pearl, garnet, Gwen, bismuth and the newbie peridot.

Lunch was a lot more awkward then usual.

Pearl and garnet were talking about their relationship. Garnet wanted to "take a break" aka break up so she can fuck other people but pearl wasn't having that.

Gwen and bismuth just weren't talking to each other or anyone for that matter. They got into a heated argument about Gwen not wanting to smuggle in drugs for bismuth anymore.

Mean while Peridot was avoiding all contact with amethyst, while amethyst was just pretending that peridot didn't exist.

'I'm glad me and Jasper aren't going through the same stuff everyone else is' I smiled at the thought. 'I haven't seen Jasper all morning, where is she?'. I looked around the cafeteria, still no sign of Jasper.

"Guys... Where is Jasper" I questioned. "You mean 'mami' right?" Amethyst smirked at me.

Pearl choked on her food. Garnet looked over at her and said "so I'm not the only one chocking you" then she adjusted her visors.

Peridot hugged herself tighter. " A-Amethyst, YOU CLOD!" Her eyes looked like they would pop out of her skull.

"No, jasper prefers daddy. But anyway where the hell is she" Everyone looked at me with this shocked/ disgusted expression. Shit, even garnets visors fell off her face. "She's in the slot" amethyst said. 'The slot? The hell is that?'

"What's the slot?" I took a bite of my burger. 'Food here isn't half bad' I thought.

Garnet put her visors back on and said "it's a large room with smaller rooms within it. Bad/ Misbehaving gems and humans go there for... Um, Rehabilitation....? In other words, you're looked in a small room by yourself for days even months, until your 'no longer a problem' as they like to say". She let out a small sigh.

"Bad? But Jaspers not b-" I stopped talking when a tallish human boy ran up to me asking me if I was Jaspers girlfriend.

I nodded, cause in a way I sorta am? My relationship with her is complicated.

Hell, my life is complicated.

" you also have access to her s-stash r-right?! Cause y-you gotta! I need some man, I need it bad!" He then started rambling about some stash.

I looked at amethyst with a confused look, but she looked away guilty. I then looked at garnet, she also looked away guilty, and that's when I started freaking out.

"What stash, guys?" I was now looking at pearl. She looked at me, then looked away, and then looked back at me. She had this awkward and uncomfortable face.

"Pearl.... Tell me" my voice was stern.

jasper x reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora