Chapter Eighteen

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 "Your late Bullet," Sala smirked. "Already got all of 'em but Killer and Demon. No sign of Willow or whoever else was tied up in the room where we found her ring."

 "Killer's mine," I growled walking back out the door. Getting on my bike I rode to the one place I could think. "Bunny where are you."

 "Still talking to yourself," a voice said from behind me. "Thought you had finally quit that. People will start thinking your crazy."

 "Like you," I sighed sitting on the ground.

 "I've always been crazy," he laughed sitting beside me. "What's going on? You only ever come here if something is wrong."

 "I need her back, Hank." I whispered brokenly not caring if he heard, "I can't lose her not without telling her how much I love her. I need my Bunny."

 "She's stronger than you think she is," Hank sighed. "She'll come back to you if she really wants too. Just don't go off the wagon like you did ten years ago, I will not babysit your a*s again that was very annoying and nerve racking."

 "I go crazy without her," I mumbled.

 "No shit," Hank laughed. "Love makes us go crazy, always has always will. That's just what women do to us."

 "You sound like a you've been in love before," I chuckled staring at him. Before he could answer my phone rang, "Bullet."

 "Prez, you need to get back here now." Hacker said.

 "Did you find her?" I asked getting up walking over to my bike. "Is she okay? Hacker answer me."

 "Few cuts and bruises but she just came flying threw the gate scaring Butch and a few other guys. But she's asking for you, freaking out cause she can't find you."

  "I'm on my way," I said hanging up.

 "Go," Hank said. "I'll be behind you, I want to meet this girl."


 "BUNNY!" I yelled running into the clubhouse ignoring all of the men in suits when I saw her sitting on the counter talking to Doc, "Are you okay? Did they touch you? Hurt you?"

 "I'm okay," she smiled walking up to me. "Calm down before you have a heart attack, I already caused one biker to have one don't need another one."

 "You are never leaving my sight again," I mumbled picking her up so I could hold her tightly. "I will f*cking tie you to me if I have too."

 "Yeah no," she laughed flicking my forehead. "I love you but that's a little to much for me. Can you put me down I want to make sure Ashley is okay."


 "I'll be fine," I stared at the girl that had made Willow's school life hell smile. "You spend time with him I need to head home anyways, I'll call you later and we can talk some more about that idea you came up with."

 "Sounds good. Oh stay clear from Ashlyn, she get what's coming towards her."

 "I thought she hated you?" I asked confused and Willow sighed flicking my nose, "Stop abusing me woman."

 "Put me down," she huffed and I let her slide down my torso. "Thanks."

 "She the one that broke you?" Hank laughed from behind me, "Damn boy maybe you should watch who you mess with."

 "Benny?" Willow asked staring at Hank and he stared wide eyed at her before breaking into a big grin.

 "Little Lamb is that you?"

 "Yeah dumba*s," she huffed before jumping him. "I thought you died after you disappeared, don't do that sh*t again or I'll kill you."

 "You got it baby mama," Hank laughed hugging her. "You still got my hoodie?"

 "Yep and you not getting it back," Willow laughed and I smiled. "But I do want to go home and shower I smell like death."

 "Take her home," Colt said pushing my shoulder. "I'll talk to the suits and call you tomorrow. Spent time with her before we go to war again."

 "Thanks man," I mumbled walking over to them and pulling Willow away from Hank. "Let's go home and get you cleaned up."


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