8| Crown Pack

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Word count: 5465

And thus starts the connection between the packs;)

Crown Pack: Alpha Robert

Calix's POV

I was sweating a bucket full of water in the back of the kitchen. That's why I hated working at my Mom's diner during the summer, or in general. The AC only worked in the front of house where it mattered and made the customers happy. Everyone else, like me, had to suffer. Even having the back door open didn't do much about the heat, it added onto it if anything. Georgian summers could get hot and when you mix it with a kitchen that has two stoves, three frying bins, and no air conditioning it begins to feel like hell.

As if I didn't feel like I was going through hell already.

I took the rag from my apron and wiped it across my damp brow. The diner has only been open for an hour and already I feel as if I'm dying with the work I've had to do. People in this town love their steak, even with breakfast.

"Order up," I holler, planting a big juicy steak alongside a pile of eggs on a plate. I dump the plate on the counter that divides the kitchen and diner quickly before turning back to the next order. Of course it's another steak and eggs.

Within the hour we'll have no more steak to give out and then people will begin to ask for ham, and then bacon, and then any little meat scraps we have left. I swear this town is made up of a bunch of wild animals.

"Keep up the good work son," my Mom says as she picks up the plate and whisks it off the customer.

I grumble in response since she knows I hate working here but am forced to do so. Three orders later she comes back, picking up the tray full of plates. "Why don't you go take a break? I'll send Theo to the back since the rush is dying down."

"Theo is here?"

"He got here thirty minutes ago. He's been hiding in the corner booth, thinking I don't notice him."

I groan and untie my apron. "That jerk. He's closing tonight right?"

"Of course," my Mom says with a smirk. "Why do you think I didn't say anything when I first spotted him? Now I'll have to punish him and you can have the night free."

"Thanks Mom."

She nods with a smile and goes on her way. I watch as she gave the table full of burly men their food and then went over to drag Theo out of the corner booth by his ear. At the same moment they walk past the door, it chimes open and Mason, my best friend walks in. I grin at him and make my way out of the kitchen.

"Two egg sandwiches with bacon and hash browns," I tell my brother as I pass him. "Hurry up on those too." He grumbles in response and let Mom drag him the rest of the way.

I slide into the seat across from Mason. The first thing I notice is the way he keeps his head down and doesn't even acknowledge me.

"What's up dude? You disappeared on me for a while."

He shrugs his shoulders. "I got busy."

"With what," I laugh. "You don't have a job."

"I do now apparently," he mumbles.

"Which is," I asked, confused. Mason was always quiet but never around me. Something was off.

"It's complicated," he mumbles. "I'll be busy from now on though. I don't know what my schedule will be like."

"Alright, you're being cryptic, whatever. We'll hang out when we can. It pays well though right? Hell maybe you could get me in too. I hate it here."

The War of the Alphas: Book 1 of the Wolf Rising SagaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon