The Outcasts: Prologue

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Lucas's POV

The second the plane trembled, I knew something was going to go wrong. But my expectations didn't even linger on death.

The pilot's voice carried across the cabin like an echo in a dungeon. "Were heading into a bumpy storm, so it might be a rough ride."

"Oh great. A turbulent ride?" My little sister asked, sighing into my shirt sleeve.

I let her complain into my arm for a couple of minutes, and looked at my parents with discomfort. My dad shrugged and my mom went back to her airline magazine.

The movie that was playing on the plane's T.V screens was a Disney movie i've never heard of. We were at a part in the movie where the girl with extremely long hair was being threatened by this really old lady with lots of wrinkles. I have no clue why Disney even makes money anymore.

I looked in front of us, trying to remain calm. This was my first plane ride and I was kinda nervous. In the seats in front of us, there was a teenage boy who looked like he was one of the geeks at my school. He had blonde hair, nerd glasses, and a skimpy build that made him look younger than he really was.

All of a sudden, the plane shuddered and we were jerked forward. My sister gasped and I threw my arm around her protectively. The pilot's voice yells through the speaker, "We were just shot by a military jet! We're going down!"

I couldn't believe it! We just wanted to go on an amazing vacation to California, but now we were going to crash land in my first plane ride! My sister was close to hyperventilating and my mom was screaming along with the rest of the woman on the plane.

I must have been in shock. But my sister's scream brought me back to reality. I snapped out of it, and pushed my sister to the right of me, into the window seat. I looked up to see my Dad doing the same. The boy who was in the front of me was gathering little children who were screaming and pulling the yellow plastic masks over their heads.

All of the older girls and boys were taking charge, there were a total of four of us. The nerdy boy, and I were in the back,and two other girls were up front. I started running up and down the aisles, helping mothers find their children, and helping husbands calm their wives. I picked up a little toddler boy, tried to find his mother, but resorted to setting him down in my old seat and telling Emmalee to look after him.

Once every kid was in their seat and women, the pilot yelled into the intercom."We're going to try to land on this upcoming field! Don't panic!" 

His comment just made it worse. We weren't gonna make it. It was no use.

 All of a sudden, we made a quick decent and I flew to the front of the plane. I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I heard high-pitched screams from the women and children on the plane. The flight attendants, who I would normally consider hot, were acting like freakin' sirens! Aren't they supposed to help you? 

Once half of the plane had calmed, the pilot yelled into the speaker, "Hold on!" and tried to land the plane. But as I looked out the window and saw the factory at the end of the clearing, I noticed he was gonna go down too far. He was going to crash into the building.

Time seemed to slow and I took one last look at my family. It was probably the last time I would see them.

There was only one thought that I could process out of whatever mesh my brain had turned into.

We weren't going to survive.

Hey! Just came up with this story right on the spot! What do you think? Any suggestions? Please leave comments down below!

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