Chapter 1: The Aftermath

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5 Hours After The Crash:

Conner's POV

I was in that pure bliss stage before you die. I knew I would die after the pilot announced that we were shot. There was no doubt about it. But of course everything I expect, never happens. I was slipping away from that heavenly bliss and crashing down to the real world. 

My Dad is dead. The one person I looked up to and really loved, Is now dead. For some reason, I just knew it. Even though I wasn't awake yet, the doctors, or whoever I will wake up to, would sit in the corner and whisper amongst themselves wondering how to break the news.

I sat there for what seemed like hours. I couldn't take it any longer. I had to move sometime.

All of a sudden, I heard footsteps and a door unlocking. The footsteps came all the way to the side of my bed. I heard some metal tools moved around and alcohol on my arm. I was deathly afraid of needles. It was almost like claustrophobia, if I'm too close to a needle for too long, I panic.  I had to get out.

I pretended to stir. I turned around before he could stab me with that chemical-ridden knife of a needle. I open my eyes, pretending I just woke up, and peered up at my sanitizer-smelling monster.

He had black hair cut short and blue eyes. He looked too nice for what he was about to do. He mumbled something then took my arm roughly and pierced the needle into my skin, making me yelp in surprise.

The edges of my vission were blurring and I couldn't tell what was what. But one thing I could see were tears in the doctor's eyes as the world turned dark.


I was back in that sense of bliss. This time, I don't want to escape. I don't want to go back to that horrible place full of evil doctors who try to stick needles into my arms, legs, and abdomen. I could feel myself being poked and prodded by nurses but, I just couldn't wake up. It was impossible.

By the time that I couldn't take it any longer, I opened my eyes and saw a lady dressed in a white lab coat. She was holding a clipboard and examining a machine to my left. She peered up from her papers and stared right into my eyes.

"How's it doin' superboy?"

I stuggle to find words and end up saying,"Whrn... Emh, Uh..." instead of,"Where am I?"

She seems to understand without needing to hear it, as if she's done this all day.


"Who's that?"

"The Association for Kids' Irregularities, Your home for the next couple weeks."

"What? I didn't know I had irregularities..." I say, trailing off.

"Now you do."

I turn until I lay on my back and sqint back at the bright lights glaring at me. I was sorting through my head all of the things she told me. Could I trust her? Is this a legitimate association? For all I know they could be some terrorists who're going to kill me. Or maybe they're FBI agents who are trying to catch the terrorists who want to kill me...

"You lost your Dad." The lady said, as if he was no big deal, like he was just a nasty cockroach, squished underneath her foot.

I have a one-man stare-down with the L.E.D light above me, and all of a sudden envission my father's face looking back at me, dissappointed. I look away before any tears can surface.

"Do you want anything?" The lady asked me, wondering over to my right side.

"I don't know... should I know anything else?"

"You start training tomarrow."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh yeah, and you now have superpowers."

Then she walks out. All I could understand is bits and pieces, but apparently, I'm a superhero.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2012 ⏰

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