~Chapter 10~

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We found Y/N but she was still looking for her phone.

"Y/N why are you still looking for your phone?" You said

"I haven't found it yet have you guys seen it" once she said that we all jaw dropped

"Y/N Jungkook texted you and you replied"

" Then someone has my phone" she said with an anger tone

You were so curious who has your phone and scared too that whoever has it texted BTS Jungkook they could be reading your messages with him right now.

You quietly walked up next to Jungkook. V and Leila didn't notice they were too busy laughing and smiling and flirting it was cute.

"Yes y/n"
"You know how we text and how you texted me that you are Bts Jungkook" he suddenly changed his expression to a determined one
"We have to find that phone!"

~Texting Your Bias~(JungkookxReader)Where stories live. Discover now