an idea

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hi so yesterday i made a chapter that was kinda personal, it was kinda dumb but i would love to be friends with anyone. so i had an idea for a while i kept putting it off though cause i just think it wouldn't work out.

i was thinking of opening a P.O box.. it doesn't have to be for gifts i wasn't intending to open it for gifts but for letters. i always wanted to write letters but didn't know who to send it to. if you need to just get something off your chest then send me a letter. i love reading letters and want to be connected to you guys. I can write back if you want me too i would be happy to. 

so i don't know if should though, i don't know if people would actually send me letters. so comment if i should do it and if you would be down to it. Love you guys!

~Texting Your Bias~(JungkookxReader)Where stories live. Discover now