Bring it bro

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I was sitting in the living room with Puppeteer and Jeff watching TV when Toby came downstairs. "H-hey y/n do you want to play hide n seek" I shrugged my shoulders and said "Sure I can go for a quick round of hide n go seek, but it's your turn to be it this time." 

"Aw f-fine"

"Hey stop your complaining I was it for the past two times we played." Usually when me and Toby play a game of hide n go seek its not a normal game. I guess you can call it hide n don't get killed. This is one of my forms of training to beat Zalgo. Ever since I tried to go off on my own I've been training a lot more to defeat him. "Hey y/n be careful today." Puppeteer said without looking up from the TV. "When have I not been careful" I questioned. "Hmm lets see, there's the time when you got frustrated during target practice and you threw the knife through Hoodies window almost stabbing him in the head. Then there is that time when you almost blew up the house with one of you and Ben's prank war and...." "Alright alright I get it I can be a little reckless sometimes" said cutting puppeteer off. "Ha a little reckless your worse than me and that saying something" Jeff said chiming into the conversation. "Shut it smile child." I yelled at Jeff. He stopped his laughing and became serious " Do you want to go little girl" "Bring it Ronald McDonald wanna be" Jeff growled and lunged at me with his knife. I dodged it just in time and said " Come on cold molasses Sally's faster then that. Right when he was about to lunge at me again Slendermen stopped him "That's enough if you going to continue with this fight take it outside. I don't need either of you destroying my mansion."

"No its okay I was going to do some training with Toby anyway" I said walking to the front door and Toby following close behind me. "We're not done with this yet" Jeff yelled throwing a knife at my head and it landed on the wall next to the door. "Then come train with us" I said without turning around. Jeff got free of slenders grip and ran after us to the training ground. Puppeteer who watched the whole scene let out an annoyed groan and said "I guess I better go watch them so they don't kill each other." "That would be best" Slenderman said watching puppeteer follow after us.

As soon as we set foot on the training grounds we started to lay down the ground rules for their training. "Alright since Jeff is joining us we are not going to play our regular game of hide 'n' seek Toby. Instead we will play tag. You both know the rules. First person to catch and defeat the other two wins, and don't kill each other Jeff" I said glaring at Jeff. "What last time was an accident I didn't mean stab Toby that bad. Its not like he can feel it anyway." "That doesn't mean you can't kill him Jeffery." He hates it when I call him that name. "Your the first one I'm going to get when this all starts." he growled at me. "Bring it smiley" he growled even more. "Alright 5 minute head start starting now." I said before we all took off running in the opposite directions through the forest.

"How long are you going to follow me puppeteer." Puppeteer came out of the bush he was hiding in. "I was just making sure that Jeff doesn't go over board with you guys today." "Then shouldn't you be checking up on Toby as well?" "No I know Toby will be fine, besides it seems the only person Jeff is targeting today is you" Puppeteer said crossing his arms. "I guess your right, that's what I get I guess" "Yea I don't think it was a good idea to call him a Ronald McDonald wanna be." "Yeah whatever" I said before sprinting off leaving puppeteer behind. The next thing I know I was tackled to the ground. I opened my eyes to see Jeff with blood lust in his eyes. " Payback time bitch" He tried to stab me in the shoulder but I kicked him off before grabbing my knife in my hoodie pocket. "Lets go bro" I said before lunging at him. Our knives clashed causing sparks from the friction. "I'm going to fucking kill you" Jeff screamed at me. " Not today, besides that's against the rules" I said kicking his legs from under him. He grabbed my arms and pulled me down with him. He was on top of me and made a scratch on my face with his knife.I hissed and pain and struggled to get from under him. He raised his knife getting ready to plunge it into my heart until a pair of golden strings caught him and dragged him off of me.

When I got up Puppeteer had Jeff tied up and Toby came running over from some random direction. "H-hey guys what happened. D-don't tell me that Jeff went overboard again? Toby questioned. Puppeteer and I nodded our heads yes the Toby shook his head and said "This is why we don't train with you like this Jeff you get to carried away.

Hey guys sorry it took so long to update I've been having a lot of writers block lately but I think its getting better lol.

Lost Marionette (Puppeteer x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum