Chapter 5: The Dance Class (He's Touching Me)

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By the time Tuesday rolls around, I'm exhausted. I thought the club had been insanely busy on Wednesday, but the crowd on Thursday, Friday and Saturday put it to shame. Working at ST Meeks & Associates was far less exhausting. Numbers were easier on the brain. Despite the pace and the endless exhaustion, however, I have to admit I've had fun this past week. I didn't know it was possible to enjoy myself so much and still get paid. Midnight Frenzy is just...magical.

I love the club. I love the dance performances I get to see every night I work there. And yes, I can admit it: I also love working with Linc. This past week, whenever he wasn't dancing or looking after club business, Linc worked behind the bar. Listening to him and Kane wind each other up had me laughing so hard that my sides hurt.

There are so many things to like about him. He teaches underprivileged kids in his spare time. He's a great boss, according to his employees. He has everyone's respect. He's dedicated to his club and his staff. Everything I learn about Lincoln Rivers impresses me. Which leaves me where?

Nowhere, that's where. My sister has to be my top priority until she turns eighteen. I can't ever forget what I risk by losing focus. It doesn't matter how much I respect Linc, or how attracted I am to him; I can't jeopardise my job working for Linc by forgetting myself and saying or doing something stupid.

And even if I didn't have to worry about Belle – if she was an adult – and Linc did engage in relations with his employees – I doubt I could compete with all the women vying for his attention. They threw themselves at him as he worked beside me. I thought my customers were flirtatious, but they had nothing on the women who went after Linc.

Yesterday, I made the mistake of googling him. After reading a few articles about his family and his club, and flicking through photos of him with a wealth of gorgeous women, including model and socialite Claudia Henley, I shut the lid on my laptop and reminded myself he's completely out of my league. Then I reminded myself I have better things to do than obsess over my unobtainable boss and scroll through gossip about him online. Like looking for an accounting job that doesn't keep me out of the house until all hours.

So why hadn't I done more than give a cursory glance over available accounting jobs on the major job sites?

A knock on the door reminds me I'm supposed to be ready to go to my first dance class in eleven years, not including Zumba classes. Half the contents of my closet are scattered on my bed. I don't have a great deal of workout gear, just the stuff I go to Zumba class in – a black, white and grey Adidas t-shirt and a pair of baggy grey sweat pants. Comfort has been my top priority, and although today shouldn't be any different, I'm aware that what I'm wearing isn't exactly up there with my Midnight Frenzy uniform in terms of hotness.

"Hey," Jemma says when I open the front door. "You ready?"

"Ah..." I take in Jemma's leggings and fitted tank and look down at what I'm wearing. "Maybe I should change?"

Jemma's expression is amused. "Why? Are you hoping to impress Linc?"

"No!" Maybe. "I just don't want to look...gross."

"You don't look gross."

It's not exactly a glowing review, but I don't have anything better to change into. "I need to put shoes on and then I'm ready to go."

Minutes later we're heading down the freeway in Jemma's car, windows down, the two of us singing along to the radio between bursts of conversation. It's been too long since we've done something together, just the two of us. Outside of my interview at Midnight Frenzy a couple of weeks back, I can't remember the last time. We talk and sing the whole way and I feel happy and relaxed despite my tiredness.

Dance with Me (He's the Boss): A Midnight Frenzy RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now