My Nerdy Boy

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Marshall plastered a bright smile on his face when he saw his boyfriend coming towards him.

Thinking he would just get a kiss.He squeal when he was suddenly lift up onto the hood of the bmw.

"eek Scott!"Marshall whine pouting at the jock.

"You love when I lift you up."Scott kiss his small nose.

"But I feel like I weigh nothing".

"That's because you don't Angel."

Marshall just pout more but wrapped his arms around Scott's neck and press his lips to his boyfriend's lips.

"What happened in your classes today?"Scott ask as he started the car

"Nothing just jealousy".Marshall smirk

Marshall was 15 years old, a grade lower than the jock.The kids in his class always talk about how a senior jock was madly in love with the junior nerd.When they make fun of Marshall he only smile and say it's jealousy.

Scott smiled and nod.No one dared to mess with Marshall. Scott was well known in the school and because of that Marshall was safe,the seniors like to bully the younger kids but not Marshall and Scott also watched out for the younger kids as well that's why people love him so much.

Scott parked beside his mom car in the garage. Marshall got out first and ran waiting for Scott to lock the car.Scott took his lover's hand and they walked into the huge house together.They threw their bags on the couch and entered the huge kitchen to see Scott's mom.

"Hey mom".

"Hey mommy".

"Hey boys."The lady smiled

Marshall have lived with Scott since last year but they've been dating since Marshall was 13 and Scott 15 they've been madly in love since then.Marshall's parents died in a car crash and Scott's parents were more than willing to take him in as their own especially since the little nerd was dating their son and have no problem with him calling them mommy and daddy. Even though the house was huge they still shared a bedroom. The parents trust them enough.


The boys were both in their separated jacuzzi,relaxing like they do after homework and before dinner. Scott talking about a football game he watched in study hall and Marshall lost in his beauty but tried to look interested in the conversation. The jock look breathtaking with wet messy hair and his piercing blue eyes.His wet long eyelashes and deep dimples made it impossible for Marshall to keep listening.

"Its obvious you're just staring." Marshall stopped staring when Scott said that.

"No I'm hearing."

" But not listening."

"Well its not my fault,you're gorgeous ."Marshall blush at his own words

"You're cute too."

Scott kiss his lips before getting up and going into the shower,taking off his swim trunks on the way. Marshall decided not to take a shower. He got out and dried himself off before going into the room He blow dried his hair before putting on his boxers and basketball shorts and a tank top.


Marshall looked everywhere for his blue socks.It was time for bed and he wanted his socks.He was a well organized boy,his blue socks were for Thursdays but they weren't in his drawer.

He went over to Scott's underwear drawer.He pulled it out and before he could start searching

"What are you doing?"

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