Chapter 10- The Problem

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Alice's POV

My suite of rooms is immaculate to say the least.  They are nothing like the boring white, sterile box I stayed in while at the Y compound. 

There are eight individual rooms in total; two bedrooms, a kitchen and dining room, a living room, two restrooms, and a small theatre that seats about twenty.  They are all styled a rich black and white with blue and green accents here and there. 

It was practically made for me.  After taking a brief tour through all the rooms and forcing myself away from the impressive DVD and book collections, I head straight to the shower.

The shower in and of itself is incredibly high tech.  There are multiple settings, with water coming from the ceiling and walls in a gentle rainforest stream.  After washing and shaving, I step out, opening a few cabinets before finding fluffy white and black towels to dry with.  I travel to the bedroom and root around in the dresser for clothes.  To my delight, I find a pair of fresh jean shorts just my size and a plain white v neck t-shirt.  

                I have to say, it is nice to get a shower and a change of clothes after two incredibly stressful days.  Add that on top of not getting more than four hours of sleep and almost no food, I was ready to keel over on the incredibly soft looking king bed.

                And that’s just what I do.


Xavier's POV

The meeting with my father was tense to say the least.  It was mostly formalities, meeting with high profile citizens and government officals.  There is only one conclusion in the end, the one I knew would happen since I found out I was the Prince of the Ys.

                I have to rule. 

                And I’ll do it.  I care too much for my people, my race as a whole to leave them high and dry in their time of need.  In our society, the King is not just a useless figurehead.  He is everything.  And when I say everything, I mean everything.

                Not that I’m bitter or anything. 

                I open the doors to Alice’s and my suite.  I didn’t tell her we would be staying together, but then, who in their right mind would?  Especially with someone as skittish as Alice can be.

                I set my coat on the black granite countertop and continue throughout the rooms searching for Alice. 

                Finally, I find her curled up in a little ball in the bed.  Her still damp hair fans out across the pillow in a golden wave.  God, she is gorgeous. 

                In her sleep, Alice looks… peaceful.  She is not sad or angry or bitter the whole time.  I can almost pretend that she can stand the likes of me. 

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