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Ray's POV 3 Weeks Later

"Are you seriously blaming me for this!" I asked Q.

"Well you had one job, take care of a baby growing inside of you and you couldn't do that so yes, I am blaming you!"

For the hundredth time of my marriage with Quentin Evans, I couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. The miscarriage was hard enough on me and for him to blame me for it, sucks.

Tears started to seep from my eyes. I couldn't believe it. Ever since my little accident three weeks ago, I was discharged but the second day home, I lost the baby. Nobody understood what happened. The doctor cleared me and the baby and two days later, she was gone.

Ever since then, Quentin has made it a mission to remind me that I had a miscarriage.

"Why do you keep bringing it up!? I'm the one that had to carry the baby, I'm the one that lost it! As a husband instead of reminding me about it, how bout comforting me!?" I yelled at him.

"You don't get it, do you?"

"Get what, get what Quentin!?" He stood there silent, just starring at the deep velvet carpet floor in our bedroom.

Quentin's POV

Why are you doing this to me?" Ray asked looking at me. Her eyes glossed over. She shook her head and look at her wedding ring.

"This is a lot to take in. I mean come on, we've been together all our lives and have 5 kids together. That's a lot"

Just as fast as she became sad, she became mad.

"The only reason we have these kids are because you wanted them. We were teen parents and I only wanted Jr, but you wanted more. You. Now you want to back down like this is all a mistake?" She scoffed and turned around. "I want you out this house by tomorrow afternoon."

She took her ring off and threw at me.

"Since this is a lot, I just helped you"

I wanted to speed up to the actual plot of the story
Word Count: 355

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