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Ray's POV

"Wow Ray" I turned to look behind me and saw Vincent.


"No, you're cheating on me. And with your ex!"

"No no this isn't Quentin and I'm not cheating on you." Before I could say anything else, I heard Jackson talk.

"You sure about that" I started to turn slowly and surely it was Quentin that had kissed me. How did I not notice it was him before. He was wearing a hat that covered his long hair and he had changed his voice to sound like him. This was not looking good.

I heard the gravel on the floor scrunch. I turned and saw Vincent walked away. I slapped Quentin hard.

"Don't even bother talking to me again. And forget about seeing the kids"

I ran after Vincent. I really liked him and I didn't know want this to be the way we ended.

"Vincent! Please stop!" He was about to get in his car but stopped.

"What Ray. I love you so much and this is what you do?"

"You love me?" By now tears were freely falling.

"Of course I do. I never stopped. But seeing you with that boy made me mad, and seeing you cheating is worse"

"IM NOT CHEATING ON YOU DAMMIT" I yelled. Vincent shook his head.

"Tomorrow night I'm gonna pick you up at 8. You can explain yourself then." He then proceeded to go in his car. He started his car and trolled the window down. "Had you been any other girl, I wouldn't be caring so much, but I lost you once and I'll not doing it again"

I stepped back and watch as he left. I can't stand Quentin.

I walked back to my car and saw that Quentin was still there. Another car pulled up, Jackson walked out fuming.

"Really man. You stole my phone and car! What friend does that!?" Jackson walked up to where I was standing. "Hey Ray, whatcha doing here"

"To be honest, I don't know" we both looked at Quentin.

"Explain yourself"

Quentin's POV

I sat on the couch of Jackson's house. We were supposed to go to Ray's house but she didn't want me to be near her house.

"Ok, first I did steal your phone because I had to make Ray believe that I was hurt, and she wasn't answering my phone. So that's that, I took your car and hat to make it look like I was you. Doing your voice was easy." I smiled at how I pulled my plan off so easily.

"How did Vincent know where I was going to be?" Ray asked.

"That's easy. See I was at the bar with Jackson when we were talking about your relationship. This was after I came to your house, a girl came up and asked if I was talking about a girl named Ray. I said yes and she told me how a guy named Vincent was seeing a girl name Ray. I asked for his number she gave it and I texted him saying you I was Leila and I saw something suspicious and he needed to come and see. I'm honestly surprised it worked"

I smiled again. I was so surprised. My smile fell when I saw Ray. She looked like she's seen a ghost.


"Just stop talking. You want me to be miserable, don't you?" she asked.


"No answer the question. Do you want me be miserable"

"No but-"

"Then why? You do this. Why would you call him then kiss me. You're the one that left me. You're the one that up and left me and five kids. I found a man that doesn't just want me, he wants the kids too and you're ruining it. What's wrong with you" I looked at Jackson to help me but he shook his head.

"Ray, I love you and the kids. I just wasn't thinking-"

"You never think. Leave me, Vincent and the kids alone. We don't need you meddling in our lives and I especially don't need you meddling in my love life." She grabbed her bag and walked to the door. "I'm serious Quentin. You're a little boy and I want you nowhere near me"

She walked out the house.

"What's her problem"

"I told you, keep playing with her and you're gonna lose them all" Jackson got up and walked to his apartment door. He kept it open and motioned for me to leave.

Before I could walk out he stopped me.

"Listen, Im not mad at you, but never again use me as a prop or steal my stuff. That's crossing boundaries"

I nodded and walked out. Damn. Did I really loose them all?

Vincent: Ryan McPartlin
Quentin: Jared Leto
Word Count: 796

I'm SorryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora