Authors Note

7.6K 354 69

*Takes a deeeeeeep breath*

This authors note is way overdue and the reason for that is simply because I am lazy.

Yes your read that right.

I'm lazy.

I was planning on writing something like "I can't believe my story is finished " or "I'm feeling too emotional about my first book ending" but nahhhh

Im just lazy and I've had way too much going on *coughs* school *coughs*

Anyhowwwww, this authors note is dedicated to each and everyone of you that stood by me when I first started wrtiting Layla and Adam's story back in February, to everyone that stayed with me and read chapter after chapter (even though some of them were really bad) and to all of the new readers that continue to make me happy with their support and comments.

I'm thankful to have been able to experience this and I'm also feeling very blessed with the unexpected support I got.

Yes I finished my first real story, and no I'm not some famous published author now. But I still feel happy about all of this because not everyone gets to say they wrote a story out of the blue and had people from all over the world fall in love with your characters and comment and read the words that you stayed up all night to write.

I know that to some 32K readers is nothing but to me that is a big fat deal, and also I was ranked #1 in spiritual for almost 2 months!! so thank you thank you and thank you to everyone.

You helped me get here today *slaps my own forehead* uGh this is sounding like an award acceptance speech... Can I get any more cheesy....

 Can I get any more cheesy

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Writing sure as hell ain't easy, sometimes it can even be a pain in your backside when you are out of ideas or just simply tired of thinking of what Adam and Layla's relationship progress is... And don't get me started on all of the times that Adam oh so stupidly hurt my precious Layla. What I'm trying to say here, is if you even just slightly enjoy writing, then don't be afraid to give writing a try, you never know, maybe in a few years you'll be the next JK Rowling. The key is having patience and finding a balance between your life and your imagination.

Thank you all once again, I guess this is goodbye, but just for now!

If you have any questions or simple want to talk don't be shy and contact me and I'm always eager to get to know my few readers.

Want me to make a 10 facts about myself?

Want to know more about Layla and Adam?

Want to know what I had in store for them for the future?


Or do you simply just want to know how I got my idea to start writing this story?

Just comment below or send me a DM!


/ Rania

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