We'll Be Back Tonight For More

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911 Operator POV

I rushed down the long rows of other coworkers towards the sheriff's office. I place my trembling hand on the door knob and swung the door open. The sherif looked up from his desk. He was in the phone.

"Hold on babe, I'll call ya later."

He slammed the phone down.

"What do you want Gretchen?"

I breathed in. "I believe the missing girl from Texas is here."

There was a moment of silence.

"How do you know this information?"

"I just got a 911 call and this girl was pleading for help. She said her name was Cathy, and she was the kidnapped girl."

All I got was a laugh.

"Excuse me?" I asked, irritated.

"You really think that was the kidnapped girl?"

I nodded.

"Did you record this phone call?"

I pressed my lips together.

"Let me say that again. Did. You. Record. The. Call."


He sighed and shook his head. "See Gretchen, that's why you suck at your job. Anyways, if you don't have the phone call recorded, there is no evidence, therefore Cathy is not here in Kentucky."

I got furious. "Sheriff Clayton, what if that was the actual Cathy? You know what? This girl has probably been to hell and back. She's probably seen the light already. She's most likely been raped by some douche bag, and slammed around like a toy! What if that was your daughter?"


Then he smiled. "I don't have a daughter."

My mouth fell open. "You know what, you bastard? I have the number written down, so you can call them."

"Maybe I don't wanna."

I chuckled. "You know what, F-U!"

I'm not usually a curser. I just got so frustrated at that piece of sh-


Piece of crap.

I walked out of his office, slamming the door behind me. I grabbed my purse and walked out to my mint green Bug. I sat down inside and put my hands on my face.

What a sick person. Not wanting to help a little girl. Dude, I tell him I got a call from a girl named Cathy, who was kidnapped, I wrote down the number and-

Wait, the number!

I pulled out the phone and dialed the number. It seemed like it took five billion forevers for a guy to pick up.


His voice sent chills down my spine.

"Yeah uh hi! This is Gretchen from-"

"Is this important, sexy?"

I blinked my eyes. "Excuse me, what did you just call me?"

I heard a laugh. "Your voice, it's sexy. How old are you?"

I looked around my car. "I'm sorry I don't give out personal information."

"Well how about this. I'm Sean. You're  Gretchen. I'm handsome, you sound sexy. Okay? Okay."

I rolled my eyes. "Well, Sean, you don't have any-"

"Say that again."

His breathing started to get heavy.

"Oh god." I heard him whisper.

I quickly hung up the phone. My face put on a disgusted look.

"Oh my-"

I knew exactly what he was doing and I don't even want to think about it. If that was really the kidnapper, I feel so bad for Cathy.

Tears ran down my face.

I started to drive home, thinking about the conversation I just had.

Cathy's POV

I sat on the edge of my bed, sipping on a bottle of water. It wasn't that bad in here. I've been in here for at least one day now. Last night, I woke up and I saw a shadow of one of the guys in the corner of the room, watching me.

I looked up when I saw the door open. It was Blake. His black hair gleamed, his grey eyes sparkling. When he saw me he smiled.

"Hey sweet thing."

I nodded.

He closed the door.

"Where's Sean?" I asked out of the blue.

"Why do you care?"

I shrugged. "Cuz y'all are my kidnappers. I want to know."

"We aren't kidnappers."

"Yes, you are. Stop it."

He stood there for about a minute until he pushed me flat onto the bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked, scared.

He pushed my shoulders down. "If you think of us as kidnappers, then why don't we just act like one?"

My mouth fell open. A single tear slid down my face. He put his knees on my arms and started to pull my red shirt off, exposing my bra. He started to pull down my pants. I screamed.

I looked over to see Sean opening the door.

Blake snapped his head towards him and smiled. "Wanna join?"

Sean took his shirt off and jumped on the bed with him, pulling off every bit of my clothes, except undergarments.

They were in their underwear as well.

"Please! Stop!"

Both of them started to kiss around my body. Every inch and every cranny, they would not miss a spot. Nibbling on my earlobes and sucking on my stomach. It was a nightmare.

Blake pulled back and smiled. Tears started to pour even faster.

"What's wrong cupcake? Isn't this what kidnappers do?"

"P-please s-s-stop." I weakly managed to say.

He fake frowned. "But, we can't. You're tooooooooo sexy."

He slid his hands up and down my body. Sean started to kiss my lips as Blake kissed my thighs.

Finally they got off of me.

"Come on Sean. We'll be back tonight for more." Blake snickered.

They grabbed their clothes and made their way out the door. I looked on the floor to get my clothes, but they took mine as well. I sniffled and cried. I laid on my messed up bed and covered my body with the black wool blanket. I bawled and bawled, thinking about what they said.

We'll be back tonight for more.

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