Chapter Sixteen

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Dedication: Profashionall for the amazing cover! Very mysterious!

Recap: *Prior to flash back || Chapter Thirteen*

I let his arms engulf me. Snuggling my head into his chest, I inhaled his scent. He smelled like Casey. His arms tightened around me.

For a brief moment, I let myself imagine it was Casey. He was here with me. I was wrapped in his arms, like I used to be. Everything was okay.

It was in this moment, for the first time this part year, I felt safe.


"You and Isaac seem to be getting close again," mum commented as she placed my dinner plate in front of me.

"Mmm," I mumbled, taking a sip of my orange juice.

"That's nice. I'm glad you two are friends again."

"It is nice," I agreed.

"I need to tell you something," mum said softly, as she leaned on the table toward me. She bit her lip, which is a sign that meant she was feeling uneasy.

A sigh left my lips and I reclined back in my seat. "What?"

"Your father and I have kept in contact with Andrea and Jackson over the past year."

I blinked at her as I processed that information. My stomach clenched slightly as I pushed the mashed potato around my plate.

"You've been talking to Casey's parents?"

She stiffened as I mentioned his name, like always.

"Yes. We haven't met up with them much. We did a few times after the... after everything. But we decided to just take a step back and we wouldn't meet up again until you felt ready."

"Ready?" I asked, finally looking at her. "You didn't give me any indication that you were doing this."

"Because we didn't want to talk about him because you didn't. We thought you were moving on from that part of your life and we didn't want to damage the progress you were making."

I sighed again. "Progress?"

"You have made significant progress, honey."

"Doesn't feel like it."

"Isaac is helping," she nodded. "We wouldn't be having this discussion if he hadn't come back into your life."

I agreed with that.

"Do they hate me?"

"What? Of course not!" mum exclaimed. "Why would they hate you?"

"Why wouldn't they?" I muttered, still unable to eat.

"Honey, no one blames you for what happened. No one knew what was going on."

"I should have known," I bit out, my eyes burning with unshed tears. "He was my best friend. I should have realised."

"Please," mum whispered, her voice breaking. "Please. I can't have this conversation again. We can't keep going over this."

I buried my face into my hands and let the tears fall down my cheeks. I sat there, in silence, trying to collect myself.

It was a long time before she spoke again. My dinner was cold.

"We would like to meet up with them for a BBQ this weekend, if that's alright with you. They want to see you."

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