Red Ribbon

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There was once a girl named Ruby. Ruby had a red silk ribbon which she always wore around her neck. It was there permanently and tied in a tight knot. Ruby had a best friend since childhood whose name was James.
Now they were both in high-school and it bothered James that Ruby would always be seen with him wearing that rather unattractive ribbon around her neck.

"Ruby, please tell me why you always wear that!" James would plead. In response, Ruby just shook her head gently and smiled saying, "Not now, James. Maybe one day..."

Soon James confessed he had feelings for Ruby and they started dating. Ruby would always wear a nice red dress or a cute outfit to complement her ribbon.
A few years after that, James proposed and he and Ruby married.

Ruby gave birth to 3 beautiful children, and any time those kids would question their mother about her ribbon, James would quickly hush them. So they stopped asking and just accepted it.

About a decade later, Ruby became awfully sick and was in her death bed.
"James, I love you. You and our three little angels. I feel I will leave this world soon. You should know why I always wear my special red ribbon now."
James nodded, wiped away a salty tear and hugged her.

"Go on and untie it." She whispered with a faint smile.
Taking a breath, James moved his trembling hands toward her neck. He slowly untied the tight knot.

The very moment that James loosened the ribbon....

Ruby's head fell off.

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