10 Short Terrifying Horror Stories

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I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on glass. At first, I thought it came from the window, but realised it was coming from the mirror.

The last thing I saw was my alarm clock, flashing 12:00 as she thrust the sharp, cold metal through my chest, her other hand muffling my desperate cries. I bolted up from bed, relieved it was only a dream. Then I saw my alarm clock, it flashed 11:59, my closet door was already opening...

Growing up with cats and dogs, I became used to the sound of scratching at my door at night. Now that I live alone, it is far more unsettling.

Don't look now, but you're being watched...

Hearing my mum's familiar voice call my name, I started to head downstairs. As I passed my mother's room, she pulls me in and says, "Don't go down there; I heard that, too."

He asked me why I was breathing heavily. He said it made his neck tingle. Thing is...
I wasn't...

My wife woke me up to tell me there was an intruder in the house. She was murdered by an intruder two years ago.

I awoke and smiled as I heard my wife singing to my baby in the next room. Just then, I felt her skin brush against mine from under the covers.

I always thought my dog had a staring problem. He always seemed to stare at my face or body. Until one day, I noticed he wasn't staring directly AT me...just behind me.

There's nothing quite like the giggle of a young girl. Unless if it's 3:00am and you're home alone...

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