Why does he do that?

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Most of the pack left Derek's loft going to hunt down the witch. With them gone it left Derek with Lydia and Issac plus a toddler Stiles. Issac was all over playing with Stiles and teaching Stiles the things he needed to learn again.

"The fact that it's been at least an hour since he's cried, about not being with you, I dub this progress." Lydia spoke quietly with Derek.

"It's definitely something," Derek mumbled back. "I could be out there with the rest of the pack hunting that bitch down."

"What's a bitch?" Stiles asked Derek popping up onto his lap.

"Stiles, you don't say that word," Issac scolded the toddler.

"Then Dewek not say wowd!" Stiles pouted, his pink lips in a frown, at Issac.

"You're right Stiles. Derek should not say those words. Especially with a toddler around." Issac spoke to Stiles but was more towards the Alpha. "Do you want to go to the park?" He asked the smaller boy.

"Dewek I go to park?" Stiles asked the dark haired adult.

"After we see Doctor Deaton," Derek affirmed the kid on his lap.

"Who Doctow Deaton?" Stiles asked.

"He's a good friend of ours. He's going to do some testing. He will know if the spell on you is permanent or if it will wear off," the male teen explained to the boy.

"He nice?" The toddler asked Issac as Derek stood up, lifting Stiles and put him back on the couch.

"Of course he is," Issac chuckled at his pout. "We should probably get going though," he spoke picking the toddler back up and taking him to put on his shoes. He helped Stiles but on his shoes and jacket before letting him out of the loft.

Stiles ran down the hall with Issac hot in his tail. Issac growled playfully towards to toddler while he ran behind him. He grabbed the toddler just before the elevator and swung him around.

Stiles giggled really hard the whole time. The toddler was breathing really hard in Issac's arms. They were waiting for the other two by the elevators.

"Dewek! Lydia! Huwey up!" Stiles yelled down the hall, making Issac flinch due to the loudness in his ear.

"Stiles, don't yell in my ear," Issac told him sternly.

"Sowwy, Iss," the kid apologized with big brown, puppy dog, eyes.

"It's fine, just remember how sensitive our werewolves ears are," he told him as Derek and Lydia walked up to them. The elevator dinged to let them know it was on their floor.

"Dewek," Stiles said lifting his arms towards the dark haired man.

"You're fine, Stiles." Derek told him, even though he wanted to, and walked on to the elevator first followed by the younger three of the small group.

"But I want Dewek," the toddler's eyes started watering as he stared at the Alpha wolf.

"What's wrong with me?" Issac asked the younger boy as Derek took him out of his arms. The elevator doors closed and it began to take the group down to the lobby.

"You're not Derek," the only female in the elevator said. "Derek's the only one he ever actually wants. I don't know if it's because he's the Alpha or if it's something else."

"Maybe we should ask Deaton," Issac spoke out to the group.

"We have to teach you how to say words with r's in them," Derek said to the little boy in his arms but told everyone else in the elevator.

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