sneak peek

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(I wonder how many more chapters I'll make... IM SO SORRY IT'S BEEN LIKE 3 MONTHS! My super bad. I've been working like crazy this month. I'm so sorry. I shall update this as much as I can. And this whole chapter got deleted before I could post it. Grr. Just giving you guys a little taste of the next chapter)

      On the first day it started out like any other, minus the fact that Lydia wasn't there to wake them up. The two males where cuddling well into the morning before Stiles had to go to the bathroom. He tried to wiggle his way out from under the Alpha's arm

     "DEREK!" The toddler yelled into the air. Making the bigger male put his hands over his ears.

      "It's too early to be yelling Stiles," he growled rolling over to the other side of the bed. The smaller male grabbed Derek's arm trying to pull him up.

      "I gotta go, I gotta go potty Derek," the boy chanted while stepping side to side on the bed until Derek finally got up. He carried the toddler up the stairs, two at a time while stripping the boys pants off, until he could set him down to do his business. 

      "There," Derek huffed out while turning around to face the door. "Little butts," Derek grumbled the rest of the sentence under his breath.  

     Stiles just did his thing and hopped off the toilet all by himself trying to be a big boy. Of course he fell on his butt instead of his feet. After all he is being raised by wolves not felines. The toddler huffs before standing up like nothing happened.

     "Why can't I be graceful for once," the toddler growled flushing the toilet. The boy climbed up on his stepping stool to wash his hands.

     "Because you're a kid Stiles. Not that you were graceful when you were a teenager anyway," the alpha chuckled remembering all the time Stiles had been clumsy.

     "Yea, yea, whatever," the toddler dried his hands hopping off the stool before grabbing Derek's leg. "Food now?"

     "Yea, we'll go make food now." Derek picked up the toddler putting him on his shoulders. The adult walked down the stairs thankful for the high roof.

     (to be continued)

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