[11] Good-Bye Mr Player(Edited)

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Chapter 11

Good-Bye Mr. Player



The sunlight pours in through the bedroom window as I get out of my bed. The scenes from last night flood through my mind. It usually is always like this. I get up in the morning and my mind is corrupted with Dylan and our kisses. I head to the washroom, running my fingers through my tousled hair. I'm surely going to have a bad hair day today, thanks to not washing my hair after getting it wet in the rain yesterday.

 I come out half an hour later, drying my hair with a towel. I put on a black tank top and jeans with a pair of simple ballet flats. I leave my hair loose to dry. I’m ready for school after applying some mascara and lip gloss. As soon as I pick up my cell-phone to stuff it inside my pocket, it begins ringing. The call is coming from Tia's home telephone.

 "Hey! What’s up?" I ask clicking then answer button.

 "Alex, can I talk to Tia?" It’s Tia’s mom and not Tia herself. Which makes me wonder, why is she calling me talk to Tia?  "I received a text from her phone last night saying that she was going to stay over at your house since it was getting late"

I feel shocked as her mother’s words register in my mind and I quickly come up with a plausible lie. “Oh, um Tia’s in the bathroom right now. But I’ll tell her to call you as soon as possible”

"That would be good, thank you Alex.”

Oh my god, I can't believe what Tia has done. She actually told her mom she is at my house, and since she's not at my house (and not even in her own) then that means she can be at only one place. I actually remain frozen thinking about what she has done. God, how can she be so stupid! How can I be so stupid? I was supposed to be watching her back. That was the whole point of the group study thing; and what did I do? I forgot all about her and got busy with Dylan. What kind of friend that makes me? A bad one for sure.

 I started getting hysterical. I quickly dial Tia’s number but find out her phone is switched off. Now there is only one way I can reach her and that is at where she is. And I can bet my life that she is at Matt's. And there's only one person who can take me there.


I don't care I am missing school. In fact that is the least of my worries. I get in my car and head off straight to Mr. Player’s abode. I know where his house is (who doesn't?) But unfortunately, I don't remember the directions to Matt's place and so Dylan is the only person who I think can help me out.

Twelve minutes later I am standing outside Dylan's house. Okay, I’d heard that he was rich and all, and that his house was situated in one of the most posh localities of the town, but I hadn't expected this! This isn't a house; it is a goddamn mansion!  I park my car and walk up to the humongous gate. I am let in by the guard at the gate. I walk down the garden. There are bushes after bushes of exotic looking flowers. I feel weird when I ring the bell and then knock the huge mansion doors. It is opened a second later by a butler. I tell him I am here to meet Dylan. He nods and leads me inside.

I see a man and woman at the grand looking dining table, eating their food. It doesn’t takes much to figure out they are Dylan’s parents. He looks strikingly similar to them if you analyze their features closely. I feel really weird to have barged in at a moment like this. But times like this call for drastic measure. Dylan’s mom is a beautiful blonde with green eyes while his dad is handsome-looking middle aged man with brown hair and blue eyes. They both look really sophisticated and elegant wearing formal looking clothes. And of course, they are really good looking; no wonder Dylan is so handsome.

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