Chapter 21

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"Aria please you need to wake up." a familiar voice cries. I don't want to wake up, it hurts to much. "Aria please." the voice begs frantically. The pain in there voice is too much, I have to wake up. I muster up all my strength and open my eyes.

For a few seconds my vision is blurry and I don't really see anything. After a few moments everything comes into focus. Elena is sitting next to my bed and gripping my hand. I can tell from her bloodshot eyes, she's been crying a lot. I try to talk but my voice is too hoarse and only a groan comes out.

Elena gasps and looks over at me, smiling brightly when she sees I'm awake. "Aria, you're awake!" she cries. I try to smile but my lips are very dry and cracked.

"Water." I manage to croak out.

"Oh, sorry." she mumbles running to my dresser and grabbing the glass of water. She brings it to my mouth and I drink the whole thing with no problem.

"Much better." I sigh, talking normally now.

"Are you okay? How do you feel?" she questions frantically.

"I'm sore everywhere, my head is pounding, and my lips are cracked. But other than that, yes, I feel fine." I say.

Elena rolls her eyes. "I'm glad you didn't loose your sarcasm."

"I'm sorry to inform you Lena but I will never loose it, it's a part of me." I smirk. Elena laughs and hugs me tightly.

"I'm happy you're okay." she whispers then pulls away. "Stefan! Damon! She's awake!" Elena yells, causing Stefan and Damon to come in.

"Have you been waiting outside?" I tease. They both shrug, and Damon gives me a smirk. "Stefan! Are you alright?" I ask remembering everything he went through.

"I'm fine. How about you?" he smiles.

I shrug, "Been better." then I realize something. "Wait?! I'm not a vampire right?!" what if I died? Damon's blood was in my system!

"No but you were close to becoming one. A few seconds after you passed out, your heart stopped. I did CPR, thankfully it worked." Damon explains.

"You did CPR?" I question disbelieving.

"Yes, Aria. I did." he rolls his eyes.

I look over at Stefan and Elena, "Can you give us a minute?" Stefan nods but Elena doesn't move. "Elena please." I beg hoping she'll hear the desperation in my voice. She looks at me for a moment more before stalking over to Damon.

"Listen, just because you saved my sister doesn't mean I like you. If you take advantage of her right now, you will have me to deal with. And trust me an angry sister is worse than a vampire." she threatens before walking out of the room and slamming the door shut. I wince at the loud noise.

"She really hates me." Damon smirks like he's proud.

"And that's a good thing?" I laugh but it soon turns to a sob and another...and another......pretty soon I'm full on sobbing. Seeing Damon something just broke inside of me.

Damon comes over to me, wrapping his arms around me. I sob into his chest, probably soaking his nice shirt.

"It's alright Aria." he whispers stroking my hair. I pull away from him, tears running down my face.

"It's not alright, Damon. I got tortured for a whole day and I saw them do things to Stefan that shouldn't ever be done to a living being. You know if you hadn't came when you did, I would be dead. Billy was going to kill me!" I cry, I can't get the images out of my head. I want to but they're sticking like gum on your shoe.

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now