Chapter 46

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"Ugh, my head. What's wrong with me?" Jenna asks, clutching her head. Elena and I share a look deciding if we should tell her the truth. I don't know if we should. It will just make her more scared than she already is.

"Do you remember what happened?" I question.

"You called me Aria, you were so scared..." she frowns, trailing off. "I should have realized it wasn't you." Jenna sighs, realizing it was Katherine now. Guess Klaus really didn't kill her. "The second I walked out of the house, someone grabbed me, a vampire."

"Klaus." Elena whispers, "It was Klaus."

"He made me drink his blood, and I-I don't remember anything after that." Jenna explains. I'm guessing he snapped her neck. "Where are we? What happened?" she demands.

"We're at the Quarry. He brought us here." I sigh, looking around at the forest area around us.

"Why don't I remember anything?" Jenna asks once again, majorly freaked out. I hope when I wake up a vampire, I don't remember the sacrifice. I would prefer to just forget it and it hasn't even happened yet.

"Jenna, do you remember how I told you someone becomes a vampire?" Elena asks cautiously.

"Yeah, if someone dies with vampire blood in there system..." a look of horror crosses Jenna's face. "Oh God, he killed me." she realizes.

"Jenna listen to me, everything is going to be okay. Aria and I will get you out of here." Elena lies. We're not going to get out of here. We are all going to die. I know it's negative but it's true.

"I'm a vampire..." she repeats, still horrified by the fact. That's going to be me in a while. Yay.

"I bet you're hungry." the witch smirks, walking down the steps towards us.

"I'm starving, could you run and pick me up something to eat?" I smirk back, hoping to annoy her.

Elena suddenly jumps up, running toward a large rock. The witch flicks her hand and Elena goes flying through the hair. I glare at the witch, taking a few steps towards her.

The second step I take, I'm suddenly flying though the air. I cry out as I land pretty hard on my hip. The witch raises her hand once again and flames appear around Elena and I, trapping us each in our own circle of fire. I try to jump over the flames but am stopped when the flames dance higher.

"Don't bother trying to get through, I've spelled the circles." she grins, smug with herself. "You're trapped no matter what you do."

"Greta please, just let her go." Elena pleads, some how knowing the bitch's name. Ops, I meant witch. Not.

Greta takes out a knife, slicing it across her wrist. "Klaus choose her."

"You better not!" I yell, a threat in my tone.

Greta holds her wrist out to Jenna, "Drink."

"Jenna don't!" Elena begs.

Jenna backs away from Greta, eyeing the blood. "I can't..." Elena and I watch horrified as Jenna starts to get closer to Greta's wrist.

"No!" we scream, as Jenna gives up, biting into Greta's wrist. I look away, not wanting to watch Jenna drink Greta's blood. Jenna is truly a vampire now...she can be sacrificed. She will be sacrificed.

Greta pulls her wrist away, causing Jenna to fall to the ground. Greta raises another circle of fire, trapping Jenna inside like she did us. "Jenna look at me." Elena whispers. Jenna slowly turns around, blood around her mouth. Her eyes red and veiny. "It's gonna be okay." Elena cries, but you cant tell not even Elena thinks that anymore.

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now