Chapter 2

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It's been a few weeks since I've applied to Quadrant. I've been waiting like I have been for the others but nothing came. No letters, no emails, no calls. I was beginning to give up hope.

This morning, I went through my usual routine. I woke up, showered, brushed my teeth and made myself look presentable enough for work. I dressed myself in a white button down tucked into my black pencil skirt and finished it off with my black heels. I woke Beau up and helped him get ready for the day. I was to drop him off at the same daycare Bradley, Jessica and Lillian stayed at. Beau always woke up happy because he would get to spend the day with his cousins. I never had trouble getting him ready for the day. After I gave him breakfast we were out the door.

I dropped Beau off, making sure to tell him to behave. Sometimes, he would get a little too excited and it would trigger his asthma. I always had to remind him to take it easy so he wouldn't have trouble breathing. Whenever he did run out of breath, I would panic even though I knew what to do to help him. I just didn't like seeing him gasp for air. It's scary watching him struggle with breathing.

I got to work with five minutes to spare. Setting all my belongings in their appropriate place in my own little office nook. I'm greeted by my coworker Brenda, who is my nook neighbor. She's woman in her early forties. She has the cutest bob hair cut that frames her face perfectly.

 "Good morning, Riley. How are you today?", she asks with a smile and her grey eyes sparkling as usual. 

"I'm well. How are you?", I ask in return.

"Oh wonderful. I brought some homemade cookies for Beau. They're chocolate chip", She says while rummaging through her bag to reveal a hefty Ziploc bag with at least two dozen chocolate chip cookies.

My eyes widen at the big bag knowing that Beau is going to constantly beg and plead to eat them once he sees it, "Oh no, Beau is going to go crazy over those! They're his favorite", I laugh. I better not show him the whole bag.

She laughs, "What kid doesn't like sweets?" 

 I nod as I gratefully take the cookies, "Thanks Brenda."

She waves her hand dismissively and starts up her computer. Brenda is such a sweetheart. The first time she met Beau she was completely smitten. And I can't blame her, Beau is such a loveable child. He's friendly, and really likes talking. He can go on and on about the most random things. You'll never get bored with Beau around. He's also pretty thoughtful for a four year old. He likes sharing and giving people things. He's just the perfect child. I can't complain.

The day passes by quickly. I had lunch with Brenda and we did our usual thing. We ate while we skimmed through month old gossip magazines. Brenda was such a joy to talk to and spend time with. Despite the age difference, we got along just great. She and I were living opposite lives. I was a single woman with a four year old son and she was married to a wonderful man named George with no children. Though she loved Beau to pieces, she admitted that children just weren't what she and George wanted. 

Once I left work, I picked Beau up from daycare and headed home. By the time we got home it was already 6:30pm. It usually takes me thirty minutes to prepare our dinner but tonight it took just 10 minutes. We had just run out of food and the only thing left was TV dinners. It wasn't my favorite but Beau seemed to enjoy them. I popped those frozen trays into the microwave and set our small table. While I waited for the microwave to do it's thing, I watched Beau happily play with his Spiderman action figures. He looked happy but I wondered if that feeling would fade. Sooner or later he is bound to realize that it's just me and him. Our family wasn't really complete and I'm dreading the day he realizes that we aren't a proper family. He won't ever have a dad to teach him things only dad's can teach. He won't have siblings to grow up with. He'd just have me and I hope that's enough for him. All I want is for him to be happy. I hope I can make him happy. 

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