18: The Inuit

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"Tomorrow, a ship from the Varan government will be docking with us. We will guide them to the starboard hangar, I have the droids prepping the place now. We're going to be making a trade and two members of our crew are leaving with them permanently. Jonas made a mistake some time ago with two personalities from Echo-1."

Uzi paused for effect.

"They were Inuit from the early 19th century in the simulation. Jonas was intrigued by their people, who were both whale hunters and whale worshipers. They were traditional in their lives and both had set themselves adrift on blocks of ice in their old age to be consumed by the sea. That's when Jonas pulled them out.

"They believe he is a god and can not be convinced this is not an afterlife. Jonas originally was hoping these people could be the backbone of the new ice world he was planning. However, life in a starship proved far beyond their comprehension. When showed a window with stars they only believe more that this is the afterlife.

"We've been in communication with the Varan for the last week and the Inuits have expressed interest in relocating to the Varan ice world, Varanidi. They've rejected technology and spend their time hunting and fishing on the ice above the frozen sea. Jonas told them of the planet Varanidi and how the people there opt to live in harmony with nature. They took this as a directive from god and a path to a new life, which might be the best thing for them.

"I want you to get the two Inuits and bring them to the hangar. They've been speaking regularly with the Varan representatives and share many of their core values. The Varan are interested in starting a primitive village on the coast of the Varanidi landmass opposite the city. The Inuit bring the oral tradition of their people with them as they were both village elders in their society. The hope is to start a new society with two hundred Varan citizens who wish to live on the frozen world in a way their people never have.

"You see on the Varan homeworld there are no cities. It is a planet in harmony with nature. Though the Varan are famed for space travel, many eventually come home and return to a simple life in nature before they die. When the Varan colonized Varanidi they became focused on becoming an interstellar society. They now want to see if it is possible to live at one with nature on Varanidi as well. They view the Inuits as experts in this endeavor. They're offering us a huge supply of ice lobster as well as two diamond scout fighters in appreciation for the crew member exchange. They will be like ambassadors from a world that has long since faded away. The Varan learned the Inuit language and this has pleased the Inuits.

"They're very much an old man and an old woman, so remember that when you meet them. Few off-worlders ever visit Varanidi and no one has ever been asked to come live with them before. We're also giving them a couple of the monster polar bears and their cubs. Why they would want them I have no idea.

"Mox will be reporting in with the Varan government. He is, for all intents and purposes, not officially here. And yet he is. Jonas will fill you in on the rest."

Dingus returned to his normal digital blue-eyed self and spun his head back around to face the front. Both my droids began to quietly sing their modular songs.

"You have cute robots, I broke mine a long time ago."

X and Mox were slithering around in the back seat when we pulled up to the communication port. It was exactly the same as the room where I first met Jonas, but this time he was waiting for us. He was again stupendous to behold, hanging there suspended in the water on the other side of a ten-story glass wall. His deep voice came through the communication system.

"My old friend, how have you been? Come join me, we have so much to discuss. I want to know all about your recent adventures."

Mox turned to X and me.

Echo-1 The WhaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora