26: The Aquatic Simulation Test

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Sounds came from the left tunnel. A strange creature emerged, probably the most alien thing I'd seen yet. He, and I use that pronoun loosely, was like a small human cuttlefish wearing a plain white lab coat. His hands and feet were made of tentacles and his mouth was a small black beak that clicked when he spoke. Wet eyes the size of softballs glowed softly with figure 8 shaped pupils. They bulged out of his oblong head. His skin was slimy black and white zebra striped with a tint of purple. 

Two humanoid robots armed with blaster pistols followed the cuttlefish.

Abednego snarled his lip at the creature. They clearly didn't get along. The cuttlefish man walked up to Mox and spoke with a stammering chirpy voice.

"I am...you see...Professor Mildabbar...I will...inspect...your technology."

"Professor," nodded Mox.

Baba and Yaba giggled with joy that he made an appearance. "Oh, Professor."

This feigned term of endearment made Mox laugh, which spread to Werner, Forklift, and myself. For the first time since he yelled at Forklift, I saw Dr. Death acting himself. He stood up straight and resisted laughing.

The Professor went over to the machine and placed a tentacle hand on it. The device came to life and Mildabbar changed color several times, going from black and white to bright red, to a translucent blue, then to almost a coral or rocky look, then back to purple zebra stripes. 

"I'd...like to...run...a...run a compatibility test...before we accept...this."

Mox graciously gestured. "By all means Professor, take all the time you need."

The robots moved the unit off to the side of the altar and two dark gray Mega Therions came out of the left doorway. The Professor took two transponder units out of his pocket. The two wolves went on all fours and curled up on the floor next to the simulation unit. Mildabbar placed the transponders on their temples. He chirped a soft whisper to the wolves, they closed their eyes, and seemed to go to sleep.

"I'd like...to also test...with...with...one of your crew."

The Professor shot a slimy glance my way. I jumped down from the whale tank to the floor. Mox indicated I'd be glad to help with the testing.

Myself over neural transmitter to Mox: "That device is a nightmare machine and it is under control of the Vedma Virus. I may never wake up."

Mox's mind to mine: "Well, we might not get out of here alive anyway and you are the simulated environment and lucid dreaming expert. Who better to connect to the machine? I have complete confidence in you."

Me to Mox: "Great."

I walked over to where the wolves were sleeping on the floor and the Professor attached transponder units on my temples.

"I won't need them if you free the device from the Vedma light beam control. I have an internal transmitter."

Mildabbar wiggled his tentacle fingers at me. "Well...that might be a good idea...but...I'd...I'd...like to also be able...to monitor...what's going on. Let's use these."

He slid his hand over the device control panel and eradicated the virus effect. The simulation unit seemed to be operating normally, free of the virus. What had he done? I watched as closely as I could. It wasn't clear that he pressed any particular set of commands. He had ten tentacles on each hand. It seemed as if he initiated ten commands simultaneously. I made a mental note of that. 

Mildabbar placed two transponders on my temples and advised me to lay down. I looked at the floor where the giant wolves were sleeping and at the rest of the floor covered in blood and guts.

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