Chapter 1

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Nobody's pov:3

(Y/n) walked to the gates of her village carrying nothing but the clothes on her back and the small dagger given to her by her father before he died in war.
Sighing (y/n) closed her eyes as she walked out of her beloved village and into the forest. Her (h/l) (h/c) bounced as she walked gracefully, everything there was beautiful and calm and perfect, for (y/n) this was the only place she felt closest to her father, (f/n) (that means fathers name)

She continued to walk on the beat down path that she made from all of the times she came here to be alone. Something felt off though, but (y/n) just couldn't brush that feeling off, as many times as she tried she just kept finding herself looking around as if expecting something to happen. Her (e/c) orbs scanned the area. 'nothing must just be my imagination...' She sighed as her heart started to regain its normal speed.

That's when it happened, a feeling of another persons presence came rushing over her as her brain screamed at her to not turn around but her body did the opposite. (y/n)'s eyes widened in fear and shock as she saw a person laying against a tree. 'How did i not detect this person?! They made there presence almost unknown!!!' They had black spiky hair which resembled to a male, but they had a terrifying looking mask with one eye hole, for some reason just by sight of this stranger sent chills down her spine, was it because (y/n) couldn't see the person she could only see darkness or was it because of that this person had so much chakra that it was almost equal to the hokages (pardon my horrible spelling) or maybe even stronger... (y/n)'s eyes traveled down to his cloak, which had interesting clouds on it...her eyes widened as she recognized this cloak.....


(Y/n) stumbled back and fell onto the ground as if she became numb she ignored the pain that was now on her rear. (y/n) stared to crawl far as she could from him as possible until she bumped into the back of a tree. Breathing heavily she tried to catch her breath but that only seemed to make it worsened.
Was he dead or alive? Was he sleeping or pretending to be? (y/n) swallowed the lump in my throat and started to crawl towards him very carefully you reached out a shaking (s/c) hand. You had where about two inches away from touching the mask when a glowing red eye shot open and a black gloved hand grabbed your wrist , (y/n) froze in fear for those two seconds. He pushed you to the ground and got on top of you holding a knife up against your neck with one hand causing some dark red blood to slide onto the blade and with the other he held your both of your wrists pressed strongly to the ground, he didn't seem a least bit fazed by (y/n)'s appearance, not one bit. (Y/n)'s eyes filled with tears as her body started to shake in fear. her heart stopped when she heard a deep cold chuckle that had the meaning of pure evil written all over it. Her mind was racing but the deep emotionless voice snapped her from her thoughts for nothing terrified her more that this person. "goodnight ........ (y/n)" he said evilly, that was the last thing you heard before you blacked out.

'People said he was the Devil but to me he was my angel.' ~that was a sucky quote by me<:3

So stay tuned because this is only the beginning>:3

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