Chapter 2

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No ones pov.......for now>:3

"DEIDARAAAAAA SEMPAIIIIII!!!!!!" Screeched a high pitched voice that came from the unusually tall man with a orange mask and black spiky hair, the man came running up to the blond bomber at full speed full of energy that never seemed to run out.
The blond man sat on a rock he stared at the water that matched his beautiful blue eyes, he kept staring at the water as if he was waiting for it to blink. He stared at the water trying to calm his nerves but unable to because every sound Tobi would make brought Deidara one inch closer to blowing a fuse his eye brow twitching in annoyance trying as hard as possible to keep his cool, he hated his new partner more than.....ANYTHING!!!
He hated to think it but he was really starting to wish Sasori never died, because he couldn't handle this dumb ass anymore.
After the death of Sasori, Tobi got paired up with Deidara, who wasn't very happy with Pain's choice at all.

"WHAT IS IT NOW TOBI!?!?" The blond yelled at the tall childish man.

Tobi fell backwards over reacting which only seemed to piss off the blond more.

"PAIN-SAMA WANTS TO SPEAK WITH YOU SEMPAIIII!!!!" Tobi said cheerfully. "I hope your not in trouble~." Tobi giggled childishly speaking in a sing song voice.

"Ugh it's not sempai, it's senpai!!! WITH AN N! Un." he said angrily reaching his hand in his clay pouch and pulls out a wad of clay shaping it into a bird "Hya!"
The bird then turned into a larger version of the one that was once in deidara's hand, he hops on it then stands.

"Stay here Tobi, I'll be back.........maybe......" he said smirking slightly as his creation takes to the sky flapping its glorious wings.

"SEMPAIIIIIII!!!!!!!" Yelled Tobi flailing his arms around like he was caught in a trap, Deidara ignored Tobi's cries for his senpai to notice him he only smirked and continued to make his way back to the akatsuki hideout.
Tobi watched the clay bird fly off until it was nothing but a small dot in the sky.


Tobi got unusually quiet, even if no one was there it just was to quiet especially for someone like Tobi.
The world seemed to stop all motion and movement, as if trying to catch the silent breathing of the tall masked man but there was nothing to be heard.

"Heh..." the high pitched voice was now gone only a deep dark voice remained, a voice that makes everything around cower at the sound.

The voice of a monster.

Hey everyone sorry its been a while sense I updated, but here it is!!!!!
It's a short chapter yes, but I am still working on it. Thank you all for the likes and comments:)))))

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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