Chapter 42: Let's Talk

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"Well, looks like we're taking a nice long walk to the moon," Levi said.

"And back," I added. "We're coming back."

Levi nodded then looked back up at me. "I could care less as long as that bitch dies."

"Ok, let's talk," Lander said as he pushed the cup of coffee over to Levi.

Lucas got the map out and started to attach it to a whiteboard with magnets on each corner. Lyanna pulled out another white board and handed Evan a marker that he uncapped, bright green like a new blade of green grass. "Ok, so they way I see it, we've got four issues," he said. "We've got Aurelia and the portal, the mountains, the flatlands alphas, and the rogues–"

"Add on more Evan," Jaxon called out. "Add whatever her brother and her father are brining with them. There's no way they are just going to show up alone to walk over."

"Right," Evan said as he wrote the five items down on the board. "Hey Talia and Ajax and Deryl, can you guys see this?"

"Not, but that's ok," Deryl said. "We're writing it down."

"Ok let me know and we can try to move you around," Lyanna offered.

"Thanks, Lyanna," Talia said with a worn smile.

"Move wolf!" Bernard hissed out as he trotted down he stairs with a big bowl in his hand.

Evan eyed him while Dagny jumped up. She started to clear a place on the table as Bernard carefully walked over to where she was sitting and set the bowl down with bloodstones in it. "Charlotte?"

"Right," I said while Bernard and Dagny drew a circle of dirt around the bowl.

I bit into my wrist while Dagny reached into a bag that Vincent handed her with a warm smile; she pulled out some moonflower petals and dropped them in the bowl right as I stopped in front of her table, holding my wrist over it and letting my blood generously cover the stone.

"What's that?" Jaxon asked.

"It's how we called up Hadrian before," Dagny answered. "It's also how Aurelia has been talking with the other side."

"Where did you get the stones?" Ajax asked.

"Extra from Caleb's things and some extra that Charlotte had," Bernard breathed out.

"Do you need me?" Dominic asked.

Bernard eyed him then looked back at Dagny who shrugged. "Yes come here."

"What the hell is this?" Levi asked.

"We're calling Hadrian so we can talk about the other side, his brother, and continue working on the plan since it seems that he is now a vital part of it," Bernard answered in the most calm and polite way he could.

I eyed Bernard and gave him a tiny smile. "Easy witch."

Bernard sighed then looked back at me. "Let's call your father."

I stood back while Dominic walked next to me. Bernard and Dagny held their hands out and began to chant like they had before. They chanted and chanted and chanted; the room growing more quiet as the bloodstones in the bowl started to melt again and turn into a liquid that began to bubble.

Levi's eyes grew wide and I could feel Ethan's eyes on me as the liquid bubbled more and more and more. Eventually, like last time, arms reached up through the liquid. Alice jumped out of Dagny's purse and into Vincent's arms where he held her to his chest and kissed her fuzzy head as she watched on with wide eyes.

Eventually, my father was pushing himself out of the bowl, shaking the blood out of his hair as he began to materialize. "Hey, baby girl."

"Hey dad," I said with a smile.

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