Chapter 46: Timing

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I looked around and it was like that day. It was like the first time I died. Rogues were everywhere, coming down the mountains like ants as wolves ran towards the emergency shelter. It made this day all the more worse.

The day we lost so many–the day we lost my sister.

Ethan had fought us the whole way back, eventually the vampires all picked him up, restraining him as best they could, and zipped with him as the bond broke more. My father looked at him with haunted eyes; I knew that dad knew all too well what he was feeling.

We made it into the shelter through the Mangata entrance. Dad had David go and opened up the tunnel that led to our pack. He had Bowie come down with Claire and take Lander while he stayed to look after Ethan. Ethan who I could barely look at because the sight of him made me want to lose it as well. I can't believe this day went so wrong.

"Lucas check on the pack, you're in charge until Lander wakes up," my dad said while Evan watched as the vampires carried Ethan to a hall.

We had so many injured and dead; Lander Andrea, Bernard, Dominic, and apparently, Deryl was also hurt badly–Frank was killed as was Becker. I rubbed my face as wolves ran around me, passing out blankets and helping people into the shelter.

Lyanna ran to us with a pained look on her face. She looked around and eyed Evan. "Where's Charlotte?"

"Baby–" Evan paused as his voice cracked. I caught Lyanna before her legs gave out as Evan rushed to her. "There was nothing we could do. She got stuck. We–"

"Ev, go to your brother," my father said before he looked at Evan and Lyanna. "Take a few minutes, but we have to secure everyone. Do you two understand? She is–" my father paused and sucked in a breath, I could feel the pain radiating off of him. "Your brother is breaking and his mind is not where it needs to be. This pack is your responsibility for now. Go see him then come back because we got to lock this shit down. Do you understand?"

"Yes uncle," Evan breathed out.

My father hugged Lyanna then kissed her crown. "Go on girly, and have someone open up the tunnel to Lusa."

"Ok," she said, her eyes watering before a sob rolled out of her lips. "I'm sorry. I just–"

"Lyanna go, take a few minutes," I said. "I can handle it. Where's Jake?"

"Uh," she breathed out as she sniffled. "Running around."

"Ok, go–" I said before a pained roar cut me off.

Our group froze before we ran around the corner where Ethan was breathing hard, his hands–claws clutching at his skin. My father rushed to him and took his face in his hands as his eyes were wide in shock and a mix of craze.

"Ethan, look at me!" my father ordered in a tone that made me shiver. "You do not give in. Do you understand? Do not do it!"

"She–" Ethan wheezed out. "Gone."

"I know son," Levi replied before he looked at Evan. "The pack doesn't need to see this."

Evan nodded with watery eyes. "There's a room you can take him to. It's just further down on the left."

"Elliot?" my father asked.

Elliot and Barrett stepped carefully close to Ethan and helped him up. Barrett gave him a pained smile and put an arm over his shoulder. "Come on mate. Evie, check on Dom?"

"Ok," she said, her voice shaky. "Come on Derek."

Derek shook his head while he still clutched at his side then turned to me with big watery eyes, choking on his own breath before he leaned against the wall. "I was there–I was there when we found her. I saw her shift. She was so little when she came. I just–"

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