Chapter Two - Encounter

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The leather clad man walked up to you. It was Matsuno Karamatsu. You tried to pretend you didn't know him.

"W-Who are y-you? G-Get away!" you whispered harshly, reaching into your pocket.

He stopped and sighed.

It's night time but he has sunglasses on. What the hell.

"You look an awful lot like a girl.. a girl that went missing 3 or 4 years ago. A girl..who was loved dearly by a certain set of sextuplets. A girl.. who seemingly committed suicide." he muttered.

Your surgical mask chose now of all times to break and fall off, exposing your face. Great.

"(Y/N).." he whispered, seeing your full face.

"H-How do you know who I am?!" you stammered, trying to keep playing dumb.

He gave a sad smile. "Because, how could I forget the girl that stole my brothers heart?"

You backed up. He stepped closer.

"Ichimatsu told me.. if I saw you-"

"Who's Ichimatsu?!" you lied, scared now of what he would do.

Karamatsu froze, but then laughed.
"Stop playing dumb, (Y/N). Anyways as I was saying, Ichimatsu told me that if I saw you... to bring you to him immediately." he said.

Karamatsu lunged at you, a cloth doused with who knows what in hand, and tried to cover your mouth.

You backed up and ran for it. You took out your phone. Instead of calling the police, you dialed Konoha.

"Hello? Ancestia Konoha here~"


"(Y/N)? Are you okay?"

"Open the door and leave it open, I'll be home soon!"

"O-Okay.." she stammered nervously. She hung up.

Glancing behind you, you saw Karamatsu hot on your trail, his fist clenching the rag.

You saw your open apartment door.

A little farther!

You grabbed a metal pole and swung around and up the stairs to go up faster. You ran to your apartment door.

"(Y/N)! Why are you in a rush?" Konoha called. Her eyes widened when she saw the leather clad man in sunglasses.

You ran inside and slammed the door closed, quickly locking it.

"(Y/N) Let me in! Ichimatsu-"

"I don't know who that is!" you screeched. "J-Just leave me alone!"

Konoha led you to the bathroom and told you to lock the door. "I'll deal with this." she said with a smile.

You curled up into a ball, your face wet with tears. You heard the door open.


"Where is she."


"(L/N) (F/N)."

"I don't know who that is. Bye, now!"

You heard the door trying to close, but something stopped it.

"Don't play dumb."

You heard footsteps walk into the apartment.

"G-Get out! N-Now!" screeched Konoha.

You were powerless to do anything. Karamatsu was way stronger than you. You scrolled through your contacts on your phone, until your eyes landed on a name.

Matsuno Todomatsu. He had to have deleted my number.

You breathed deeply in.

You sent him a text of your location, along with the words, 'Karamatsu is here.'



Todomatsu's phone rang.

"Ehh? Who's this?~ Eh? Karamatsu?"

Todomatsu read the text carefully. And then screeched.


"Okay." the 4 others said, groaning.


Your POV

"Where is she?!"


"Ugh! I saw her run in here!"


You heard a very unmanly scream.

"(Y/N), you can come out now." called Konoha.

You peeked out to see a Karamatsu with pepper sprayed eyes, rolling around on the floor in agony, his sunglasses broken and on the ground.

A knock sounded at the door.

"U-Um? Whoever sent the text, please open up?" Konoha glanced at you and you quickly put on a new surgical mask.

Five identical men were at the door. They all looked at their identical brother and groaned.

"Goddamnit Shittymatsu.." the one in Red said.

"O-Oi! You guys have some explaining to do!"

"Eh?" they said in unison.

"That guy," Konoha said, pointing to Karamatsu, "chased my roommate here, claiming someone named Ichi-whatever wanted something from her!"

You shied behind Konoha, scared.

They all looked at you.

The yellow one was first to talk, or well, yell.

The rest joined in in running towards you, but Konoha took out more pepper spray, making them back up.

The red matsu shoved the purple one forward. Your eyes met and you whispered to Konoha.

"Please... just make them leave.." you were frightened enough by Karamatsu chasing and trying to kidnap you, but all six of them was making your blood pressure rise. Hell, you could have a heart attack right now.

"(Y-Y/N), that's you isn't it?"
"(Y/N)! Why did you leave?~"

Ichimatsu just stared at you.He walked forward and past Konoha to you.

"G-Get away fro-"

"Shut up." he muttered.

Ichimatsu grabbed your wrist and brought you out.

"L-Let go of me!"

"I'm sorry." he murmured.

You froze.

Is he apologizing for all those years ago?

Your fear was slowly replaced by anger. You pulled your wrist away from him, and backed away.

"I-I don't know you. Any of you.. G-Get out! Leave!" you began to scream.

They all looked hurt, especially Ichimatsu.

They all slowly dragged Karamatsu out. Even Jyushimatsu, whose smile was closed, his eyes sad.

You sighed in relief and closed the door, and locking it. You looked around. Konoha was looking at you worried.

"Are you okay? Did the guy hurt you?"

"I-I'm fine. D-Don't worry.." you whispered

"You don't have to tell me what relation you have with those guys, but just know I am here for you if you ever need to get something off your chest." she said gently.

You gave a weak smile.

"Dinner is getting cold. Come on, let's go."

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