Chapter 15: Falling

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Safia smiled and moved closer. "If you're just going to stand there, you might as well give me what you have." When Rezo only stared at her, she nodded at the cheese still in his hand. He glanced down at it for a moment, then held it out to her, his two fingers hovering between the bars.

A sudden idea gave a slight edge to her smile. Eyes on his, she leaned forward and closed her lips down around the cheese and his fingers. She curled her tongue around the morsel, delicately grazing the sides of his fingers as she pulled the cheese into her mouth.

She slid her mouth off his hand slowly, eliciting a low groan out of him. Safia swallowed the cheese almost without chewing. Her eyes were still of Rezo's, and for one long moment, she didn't know what she was going to do.

The insistent throb of her notch decided her. Safia shot her arms through the bars, one hand grabbing his neck so she could pulled his head down to meet hers, the other going to his hip to pull him closer. Her lips captured his and she used her mouth to try to draw him into her. When he only stood there for several heartbeats, she lightly bit his bottom lip.

Like it had been the release from an immobilization spell, Rezo jerked into swift action. One arm snaked around her waist through the bars, his mouth going from passive to challenging hers in a moment. Not about to surrender, she fought back with her tongue, bringing it up to meet his as their lips continued their dance.

The hand on her waist pressed harder for a moment, before slipping lower to squeeze her backside. The little sound that escaped her from around their tongues gave him all the encouragement he needed. He rubbed his hand further down then up, fingers getting dangerously close on the downward sweep to where she wanted him to touch her.

Refusing to be outdone, Safia ran her hand down his hip and upper thigh, deliberately skimming her thumb down his pelvis, tantalizingly close to where she could already feel his length stirring. He squeezed her backside harder and attacked her lips with renewed vigor.

Safia squeezed her thighs together against the pressure building in her sheath, her nipples straining against the fabric of Rezo's shirt. Her veins were alight with desire and all she could think about was getting his lance inside of her as quickly as she could.

Rezo's other hand made a sudden reappearance, slipping up and cupping one of her breasts. She made a little noise of encouragement and kissed him harder as he gently stroked one erect nipple with his thumb, sending little spikes of pleasure through her. After a few moments of that delight, he switched to rolling her nipple between his thumb and index finger, the heightened sensation making her moan softly around his mouth.

Deciding to even the odds, Safia ran her whole hand down the front of his pants, stopping only once she'd located his shaft. With a purr mostly muffled by their lips, she rubbed up and down, paying especial attention to the tip of him. The tightening of his hand on her breast told her how he felt about that.

Slick with wanting and knowing he was more than ready as well, she let the hand on his neck fall so she could use both to fight with the buttons on his pants. Rezo evidently figured out what she was trying to do as he broke their kiss long enough to yank the shirt half off her. With a faint growl, she released his pants long enough to toss the shirt off to the side before returning to her work.

Rezo's mouth didn't return to hers, instead finding a fresh target in her bare breasts. She fumbled, hands jerking as the liquid warmth of his mouth closed over one nipple. When he began nibbling on it she almost lost her hold entirely. But Safia wasn't about to be swayed from her task. She wanted those pants off and his lance out where she could get at it.

After a bit more struggling, what Rezo was doing with his tongue was very distracting, she finally managed to get his pants undone enough she could pull out the entirety of him. Her eyes widened a trifle as she took in his full size. She'd expected him to be big, he was much taller than her, but she'd definitely been too conservative in her estimations. Safia smiled slowly and licked her lips. This made it all the better.

While she was ready for him, Safia wanted to be certain neither of them had any difficulties, so she pulled Rezo face up to kiss him again. He responded in kind, hands cupping her shoulders and slowly starting to slide down. Before he could get at her breasts again, as she imagined was his intention, she dropped under his arms so she could kneel in front of him.

She didn't give him the chance to defend himself, running her tongue along the length of him. He shivered and she grinned before turning her full attention to him. Safia swirled her tongue around the tip of him, outlining the head of his lance and flicking at the hole on the top. Only then did she envelop him in her mouth.

Rezo buried one hand in her hair and she could feel the occasional tremor run through it. Holding him with her lips, she ran her tongue down his shaft even as she moved as far down his length as she could manage. She already knew there was no way she could take all of him at once. But she did make up for that with her free hand, gripping the lower half of his lance and spinning her hand back and forth in time to the bob of her head.

She wasn't at it long before he was gently tugging at her hair. She pulled back far enough she could look up at him, still keeping the very tip of him in her mouth. "Safia." His voice was low and insistent.

Safia continued to meet his gaze, running her tongue all around his lance. She let a few heartbeats of that before she decided she'd tortured him enough. Releasing her hold, she stood, running a hand up his body as she did so. She barely made it to his chest before he grabbed her arm and yanked her into another kiss.

Briefly she returned his kiss before she turned around, pressing herself against the bars and looking over her shoulder at him in a clear invitation. Rezo didn't need a second one. His hands closed around her hips and he buried the entire length of himself inside of her in one hard thrust.

She couldn't help the gasp, her whole body quivering. Her sheath trembled around him, already on edge and wanting more. Safia wanted more. Rezo paused, and when she pressed back against him, stopped hesitating.

Safia had known she was pushing him close to the edge already, but she hadn't realized how close he was. Rezo not only slammed all of him inside of her, he pulled her hips back in the same movement so that he hit every place that lay within her. There was no gentleness in him in this moment, only his raw need. And she was fine with that. After all, she was close herself.

Every stroke of his lance inside her sent ripples through her, adding to the growing wave of her need. She was barely able to stand under his onslaught which only added to the pleasure. Her whole body seemed to throb as he continued to bury himself in her. She'd never wanted release this badly before, never been this tightly wound. It was like her blood had been replaced with lightning and Rezo's shaft was eliciting new sparks with every movement.

His sudden increase in speed told Safia that he was almost ready to lose himself. On the cusp herself, it only took three more delightfully hard thrusts to send her right over the edge. Inside of her exploded, tightening up around him as she cried out, the electricity inside of her rolling over her like a thunder of pleasure.

Rezo was right behind her, managing two more driving pushes into her before he too let out a drawn-out groan. She could feel the whole length of him twitch inside of her as his desire exploded outwards. His hands gripped tighter momentarily before he released his hold.

Safia gave him a few moments to collect himself before she stepped away, letting him slip out of her as she turned to face Rezo. Reaching up, she pulled him into a kiss again, one far gentler than their earlier exchanges. Between what they'd just done and everything they'd shared up until now, she thought she could get very used to having him around. Especially with his shirt off.

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