Alpha's Babies - 13

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"Should we call for back up?"
"No! Just wait! Colten would be able to get out of this easily,"
"Nick, we need back up!" Maya yelled.
Tara was sat on the floor, cuddling the twins and murmuring something comforting to them while wiping Corbin's claws quickly.
Zach and Derek, as per usual, were stood helpless as anything. Not that they could even do anything, Kory was circling them making sure that they didn't move a muscle.
I just stayed laid down and didn't even bother to put in my opinion.
"Raiven? I know you're in pain, sweetie, but we don't know what to do. You're the Luna," Maya said to me softly.
I stiffened automatically, sending another shock of pain through my body. I groaned "Not technically, I might still be human for all you know," I struggled to say.
"But, Colten needs us!"
I shut my eyes again, feeling sleepy.
"No, come on Ray!" she said shaking me gently.
"There's nothing I can do. If they're dead, they're dead."

Everyone seemed to become stock still.
"Wow, I don't ever remember her being this cynical," Derek muttered.
"Me neither." Zach said.
Kory growled lowly.
I rolled my eyes mentally. "Look, if you guys are really that bothered then go and jump in after them."
Tara stopped stroking Corbin's fur and stared hard at me.
"How can you be so selfish Raiven?" She asked me.
I groaned again, I wasn't feeling myself anymore.
"Yeah Alpha Colten is a jerk but you're every bit as bad as him. You knew you had a mate yet you still went for Mr Love Potion over there who is the cause of every single person's misery right about now," she said angrily jerking her thumb in Derek's direction.
"At least the Alpha didn't dare to go for another girl, after all this time, and you're just gonna let him die like that? I thought you had more class than this, Ray." she said bluntly.

I wanted to burst into tears right then. I'd acted like such an idiot, jumping from one boy to the next despite having a mate. I was suddenly brought back to my senses. How could I have loved anyone other than Colten? How could I have let another guy raise my kids? I felt so cheap and stupid.
Well, all that's gonna change from now. For Colten and the twins' sake.

I ignored my excruciating pain and pressed my hands down flat on the ground and then pushed myself up. Maya's hands instinctively reached out to help me but I shook my head as I staggered to my feet.
"I got myself into this mess alone and I'm gonna end it alone." I said smiling at her.
My wounds were still raw and open and made it difficult to even breath but I forced myself to go right towards the edge of the cliff.

"Raiven, wait! What are you doing?" Derek yelled at me.
I took no notice of him and peered down. The forest below looked so dark and sinister with angry jagged rocks that jutted out like needles. My heart thudded thinking about what could have happened to Colten and Kale. I swallowed and then stepped back a few steps painfully.
"Is she gonna jump?" I heard Nick whisper.
"She's not gonna jump," Tara replied.
"She might jump," Zach said.
"But she's not going to." Maya said firmly.

I smiled to myself slightly, looked back and blew a kiss to the twins, ignored the throbbing pain, ran all the way to the end of the cliff and threw myself off.
"Told you." I heard Zach say as I flew down at an alarming speed.

I hoped against all odds that somehow I'd be able to land on a something soft and cushiony as the air rushed past me, giving me even more pain that before. My hair whipped around me wildly but I kept my eyes squinted, trying hard to spot Colten or Kale.
The drop was further down that I estimated but as I got closer, my arms outstretched like an aeroplane, I could hear the unmistakable sound of water gushing down a stream. Fantastic.
Not only have I just potentially thrown myself to my own death, but I'm also going soaking wet on top of that.The sound of the water got closer and closer until I could see some jagged rocks pointing out from around and on the stream. Okay this was a bad idea. I'm an idiot. Couldn't I have just climbed down 60ft instead?

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